Lend Me a Kiss

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// Chapter 4 - Birds & Bees //

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// Chapter 4 - Birds & Bees //

**Jungkook's POV**

The warm glow of the setting sun creeps up from the streets and into the studio window. It paints fractions of the 3rd floor of the studio, battling its dominance with the artificial white light. Yoongi and Jungkook sit at the coffee table, their legs sprawled on the floor. Big Bang Theory plays on the television, their corny science jokes echoing in the spacious studio apartment. Jungkook watches wryly as Yoongi pulls out the newspaper's Sunday special.

When asked why, Yoongi responds with a shrug, "It has the crossword puzzle on the back. I like doing it and frankly, I'm pretty good at it."

"Ugh, when did you get so old," Jungkook groans as his brother pulls out a newly sharpened pencil and gets to work on an eight letter word that runs across.

It was nice to finally have dinner with his brother. With Yoongi's business growing and Jungkook's time invested in Lacrosse practice and studies, they haven't had the time to spend some brotherly bonding time. Perhaps it runs in the family blood, but both Yoongi and Jungkook were the worsts at expressing their emotions. Over the years, conflicts have arisen just because either Yoongi couldn't admit face to face that he cared for Jungkook or the younger one couldn't bring himself to ask for his brother's advice.

Despite both their stubbornness, they silently sit there, cherishing the time together. While Jungkook slurps up the cold Soba noodle, he notices that his brother keeps glancing over, hesitating to ask a question. After the 6th time Yoongi flicks his eyes up from his crossword puzzle, Jungkook finally asks him to come forward.

"Okay, honestly, if you're going to keep looking at me like that, I'm going to start thinking that the answer is on my face," Jungkook snorted as he lets go of his chopsticks. He leans over the table and adjusts the newspaper so he can peek at what Yoongi was working on. "Mmm... I highly doubt that anything on my face is a 12-letter word that means the study of human societies and cultures."

Yoongi rolls his eyes at his brother's teasing. "No, of course not. Number 8 is obviously anthropology," he mumbles, too itchy to keep the answer to himself.

Jungkook guffaws out a chortling laugh as he watches Yoongi scribble down the answer. He couldn't believe that the Yoongi who used to stay up in bars till four in the morning, come stumbling home with another full bottle and not caring about their parents nagging at him is now a crossword puzzle expert.

"Now that you've got your answer, can you please just get it over with? Whatever it is that's in your mind hyung," Jungkook begged as he raises his brows. Saying that he wasn't nervously anticipating his brother's words was a lie. He wasn't mentally prepared to have any type of emotional conversation with Yoongi.

Sighing, Yoongi turns off the television and pushes his newspaper aside. It was a show of seriousness and Jungkook was already cringing on the inside. He could handle Yoongi's personal questions thrown at him while they're both semi-distracted. But to have a whole conversation where they're sat face to face and sober...Jungkook was far from thrilled.

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