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Part 6 / ?

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Part 6 / ?

Jin sat by the small garden he had in the balcony; the small fountain he built in the corner brought tranquillity to his mind. He focuses on his breathing, taking in the crisp morning air.

"Oh please! You know I can do it better! Stop cheating with your telekinesis!"

Jungkook's piercing screaming lifts a smirk on the corner of Jin's lips. He peeks through the glass doors to see the youngest boy with Taehyung, fooling around with the breakfast table. God knows what they're up to, Jin chuckled to himself. To see his boys genuinely happy brings a smile to his lips. It reminded him of the olden days when they were a big happy family.

After taking a glance back at the two boys, he closes his eyes and brings himself back to the past. He feels the shift in energy, pulling at every atom in his body. It felt like his entire body was being stretched out like taffy; fading into the universe. Jin prepares himself as the air in his lungs dissipates, leaving him breathless for a moment.


He gasps as soon as the air rushes to fill him. The calling of his name tears his eyes open. There he was, seeing Yoongi in front of him. His features were slim and feminine but fierce at the same time. Jin reaches out to touch him but only felt air running through his fingers.

"Jinnie Jin!" Yoongi chuckles, his gummy smile on full display.

A wave of sorrow washes over him. He feels the streak of tears streaming down his face. If Jin could tell him right there and then, he'd say that he misses Yoongi to the point where it hurts him to think about it.

Yoongi had been his closest friend for the longest time, long before either of them met Namjoon or Jungkook or Taehyung. The two had been street rats back then, finding their way around life when they crossed paths. They had each other's back and stayed strong together till they were able to leave the crummy town. It had been the perfect dynamic and was made a thousand times better when they found more of their kind.

"C'mon, link your pinky finger with mine...Do it! I'm not doing this again. This is your one chance....Swear to me Jin, we'll stick together no matter what....I'm only clingy when it comes to you."

Jin feels a warm embrace engulfing his body. He relishes in Yoongi's hug, knowing that this man almost never offers skin-to-skin contact. But for some reason, that night under the pitch black sky with only a broken umbrella covering them from the rain, Yoongi felt the need to secure the bond they had. And Jin would never forget that day.

"Ah, don't go sharing with the street r-"

Suddenly, Jin's vision goes blurry. The image of Yoongi contorts and fizzes out as his mind was pulled into a different timeline. Without realising it, his breaths become shaky and his hands trembled to grasp reality. Jin was forced into a new vision; this time the image he had was clean and crisp and sterile instead of the homely comforting feeling he had with his past memories. This was new. It was the future.

Jin vaguely feels a weight on his shoulders just as the image comes to life. He sees a stranger's face masked with distraught and panic. Hands clamber to restrain the stranger, pulling him underground into the soil. With a screech, the image switches to the same stranger struggling against the bed he was tied down. A gloved hand reaches out for his wrist, slamming it down to reveal the three-pronged trident marked on the underside. It wasn't glowing but it was obvious enough to know that the stranger was just like them. The last thing he sees is the stranger's eyes dulling before he was pulled out of the vision.

"Jin, babe. Are you okay?"

He takes a moment to come back to reality. The burden of having travelled to two different timelines in one seating laid heavy on his shoulders. He could physically feel his energy seeping out of him like he was bleeding from an open wound.

"Tae, get the tea."

Jin feels an arm snaking around his waist, tugging him closer to the solid body beside him. To relieve the pounding in his head, he rests on the shoulder as he struggles to calm his racing heart.

"Did you see?" he whispers to the familiar presence hugging him.

He was handed his faded porcelain teacup, hands shivering as it lifts to his lips. Honey lavender, his favourite.

"I did baby, I did."

"We have to find him," Jin croaks out. 

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