BTS Metahuman Au Imagine

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Part 2/?

"You can call me Jimin," the man introduced himself

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"You can call me Jimin," the man introduced himself.

Yoongi gave a slight nod and offered his hand, pulling his newfound acquaintance off the ground. His bubblegum pink hair was such a contrast to Yoongi's midnight black. Come to think of it, everything about this man was a stark contrast to Yoongi. They were literal polar opposites.

Jimin had bright hair, colourful clothes, multiple studs and rings adorning his ears, a bubbly personality and a fearlessness of using his abilities around humans. Yoongi, however, had pale skin, was dress in black from head to toe, blending in perfectly with the night sky and was more conservative when it came to showing off his abilities.

"You're an idiot for showing them your abilities. You know that?" he chastised Jimin.

Jimin cocked his eyebrows and pursed his lips, "Well in case you haven't notice, you did too Mr.Grim Reaper." He snickered at the black ensemble. Thought he had to admit, it looked good on the petite figure.

"I did that to get you out," Yoongi said as he started walking away. "You're welcome by the way."

Jimin couldn't believe this guy. He scoffs, rolling his eyes at the retreating figure. Who does this guy think he is? Strangely, he had this aura that leered Jimin to run after him. Within a second, he was by Yoongi's side, chatting like they were old friends. "I could've saved myself, thank you very much. I was just having fun fooling around with the humans."

Yoongi kept silent, ignoring the new baggage by his side. Hopefully, if he doesn't reciprocate the conversation, the pink boy would leave him alone and he could go back to his nightly routine.

"I do that all the time though. It's really funny to watch them get so mind-blown. Like where the fuck did he go!" Jimin chortled at his story. He babbled on about the little tricks he played over the years, unphased by his silent partner.

"You don't talk a lot do you?" Jimin said, slinging an arm over Yoongi's shoulder.

He halts to a stop and grabs the arm off his shoulder. "I just don't relate to people using their abilities for fun." Yoongi drops the arm, satisfied at seeing the defeated expression on the other man's face. Finally, the night was peaceful, he thought as he continued on down to road.

Yoongi picks up a cigarette stick from the box and lights it up, grateful for the warm smoke to accompany the cold night. He feels a swish of breeze before colliding with a body. A strangled, annoyed groan escapes his lips as he looks up to see Jimin.

"How did you know I was... not human?" he asks. This time, Yoongi couldn't see the bubbly, chatty boy. In Jimin's eyes, he saw innocence and sincerity. Almost like he was lost.

He decided to entertain the lost sheep. "Metahuman, you mean?"

"Um, I guess?" Jimin said, scratching the back of his head. "I don't really know anything about it. Up till you showed up, I've always thought it was only me. I didn't even know the symbol lights up! It's safe to say that...I've pretty much been by myself for about...10 decades."

Yoongi sighs, admitting that he felt pity for the boy. It can be hard to grow up with something you have absolutely no idea about and no one to guide you. Unlike Jimin, he had help. But that was decades ago. He offered a stick before diving into the presentation. The two walked down the quiet path with a trail of smoke behind them.

"I used to be attached to a group of metahumans but I left around the year 1941," Yoongi sighs. A lump was building in his throat.

"Ooh, I love the 40s. I loved collecting fedoras," Jimin chuckled.

"Yeah well, kid, the 40s was a mess for me," Yoongi sighed as he reminisced about the past.

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