Lend Me a Kiss

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// Chapter 2 - Gone Blonde //

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// Chapter 2 - Gone Blonde //

**Taehyung's POV**

Taehyung watches as the boy shuffle back to the booth on the other end of the diner where two of his friends were waiting. By the time they had pulled apart from their heated make out, the 70s chick had left, taking her gaudy pink Go Go boots with her. Guess the boy's suggestion had worked. For his sake, Taehyung silently prayed that Psychotic Denise won't be a regular in his life anymore. Because of the fact that a straight guy like him was willing to kiss another guy in public showed how desperate he was.

He was so absorbed by the three boys huddling over their burgers and drinks that he hadn't noticed Namjoon and Jin walking up to him.

"Uh... Tae, what were you doing kissing Jeon Jungkook... ?"

"What?" He whips his head to the side, snapping out from his zoned out state.

Namjoon and Jin stood there like twins - lab coats on, hair slicked to the side, glasses on and a pile of papers and books in their arm. Even their expressions mirrored each other, looking at their younger friend like they had just witnessed the most mind-boggling thing. Which they did.

The two boys had rushed down from the Medical Building, feeling guilty they had to make their friend wait for a good hour at the diner. Only to find that he was busy making out with one of the star players in the Lacrosse team. They were crossing the street when they saw that familiar maroon beret by the high top counter. Seeing their friend with his arms around Jeon Jungkook, kissing him hungrily halted them in their steps.

"Did they pull another fucking prank on you?" Namjoon asked in a hushed voice as he tugs on Taehyung's arm. "Because I swear to god if they did the-"

"No, he didn't!" Taehyung insisted, stopping the older boy before he started to get worked up. When Namjoon starts getting angry, it was really hard to settle him down. Jin said it reminded him of Hulk. And in many aspects, Namjoon does remind him of the green creature as well his alter ego, Bruce Banner.

"He asked for a kiss because he wanted this stalker of his to think he's actually gay," he explained to his friends. Witnessing the frown brewing on Namjoon's face he decided to add, "It was consensual, don't worry."

"Oh, so first they prank and now they take advantage?" Namjoon snorted as he throws the three jocks a dirty look.

The two other boys were too occupied in their burgers to notice it. But at the moment that Taehyung takes a peek at the booth, Jungkook turns his head around, meeting his gaze. The younger boy gave a half-smile before returning back to their conversation. There wasn't a hint of regret in his smile, but at the same time, Taehyung could see that he was slightly perplexed.

Right after that accidental moan, Jungkook had looked so flustered that Taehyung wondered if it was because he was a guy. Was he embarrassed by the fact that he felt pleasured for kissing someone other than a girl? He probably was and Taehyung couldn't blame him.

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