Behind Inked Bricks - Yoonmin Fic

411 8 105

Chapters: 2

Rated: G

Relationship: Yoonmin, Namjin

Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Domestic!Yoonmin, Domestic!Namjin, Twins!Taekook, Parents!Namjin, babysitter au, parents au,


After spending time with his twin nephews, Jimin starts picturing a future he's pining for - where he's cooking up in the kitchen, the dogs are running around and Yoongi's sitting on the couch with their child snuggled up in his lap, reading a book. And after having an epiphany with the help of a six-year-old, Yoongi too starts seeing his future differently.

Or a fluffy, sweet fic with parents!Namjin, twins!Taekook, uncles!Hoseok&Jimin, tatted up!Yoonmin and all its glorious chaos.

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// Chapter 1 - New Oil Leans? //

Tuesday nights at Namjoon and Jin's house are always a chaotic mess - but in a good way. It's a harmonious mix of chatters over dinner, the noisy clinkings of the silverware and the bubbly laughs of Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin loved Tuesday nights because it was the only day everyone could take their time off from work to congregate for a meal.

Family has always been important to him. He grew up with two older brothers in a tight-knit family and couldn't imagine having a life without those two. They were there for him on his highs and lows, teasing him when he had his first date and coddled him because he was the youngest. And watching Namjoon and Jin's twins constantly reminded him of his younger days.

The fraternal twins were adopted by Namjoon and Jin 2 years after they got married. It was a lengthy and emotionally draining process to get them from an orphanage in South Korea, but after a year of gruelling interviews and checkups, they finally got a pass to adopt them. Jimin remembered the day his brother and his husband emerging from the airport Arrivals with two adorable toddlers in hand. The entire family was there to celebrate the joyous occasion of his two brothers becoming parents. Without a doubt, everyone shed a tear or two that day.

The first few months, both Jimin and Hoseok would travel for an hour from their apartments in the city to their older brother's house just so they wouldn't miss out on any big moments. They were practically second parents to Taehyung and Jungkook - the fun ones, Jimin liked to insist. He and Hoseok would carry them around all day and coo at every blubber of incoherent words that came out of their mouths. And as the twins got older, they would spoil them with toys and candies until Namjoon and Jin had to put a permanent ban on them spending more money. Despite it, the two brothers would stealthily sneak in a toy or two or a small packet of gummies. They just can't help but dote on the kids.

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