BTS Metahuman Au

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Part 10 / ?

Everything was hazy to Yoongi as he feels the warm sun rays touching his cheeks, pulling him out from his sleep

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Everything was hazy to Yoongi as he feels the warm sun rays touching his cheeks, pulling him out from his sleep. The night before had blown pass with only pieces of it lingering in his eyes like confetti. He remembers the rain, it was dripping with uncoordinated rhythm, splashing on the cold rusty railing. He remembers smiling and laughing with the two friends he hasn't seen in a long time. He remembers his tears spilling down his cheeks as he unburdened his shoulders for the first time.

Now, he found himself waking up in his bed with a weight on his chest, offering more warmth than he would've liked. Yoongi's eyes fluttered open to find a mop of pink mess tickling his nose. He tries to move his hand but realises that it was tucked underneath the same weight that was on his chest. It took him a while to comprehend the situation he was in. Jimin was curled up like a Koala, clinging on to him with all his might, legs and hands wrapped around his body. Yoongi hears him sigh as he buries face deeper into his chest, rubbing his cheeks on his shirt like a cat.

His heart starts hammering away in his chest and his body goes frigid at the sight of Jimin, pink hair and puffy face, snuggling up to him. Frankly, it frightened him to have the kid so close, invading his bubble of privacy as if Yoongi granted him a special pass to do so. But then the unusual tenderness eased him, prompting him to savour it just a little longer. So Yoongi, with pre-cautioned gentleness and a big gulp, tightens his arm around Jimin's waist. He pulls him closer, letting the younger boy sprawl above him. His erratic heartbeat calms to a sedated rhythm as he leans into Jimin's embrace.

Just for this moment, Yoongi felt serene as he closes his eyes and drifts back to sleep.


"You got us breakfast," Yoongi said, almost like a question as he walks out to find his wooden coffee table filled with food.

It was a rare sight for him to be lavished with a spread at the start of his day. A cold salmon onigiri from the convenience was his usual morning menu. And if Yoongi was feeling like generously spending an extra few yen, he'd get himself a can of coffee.

"It was Jimin's idea," Jin pointed out with a nod to the pink kid, who was busy chatting animatedly with Jungkook and Taehyung. It was nice to see Jimin having others he can relate to.

Yoongi blushes at the mention of Jimin, thinking back to the intimate time they shared in his room. Though it may be more one-sided that he thought since Jimin was soundly asleep. When he woke for the second time that day, it had already been past afternoon and his arm was sweeping an empty bed. Silently, Yoongi conceded that preferred the first time he woke.

"Alright, eat up. We have to figure out how to get Jung Hoseok out of that torture chamber," announced Namjoon.

They gathered around the table and laid out their general plan while stuffing themselves with bowls of rice, salmon and miso soup. With the help of Namjoon's extensive research and Taehyung's profound telepathy, they found that the secret facility was based on the island of Aogashima, about 230 miles south of central Tokyo. It was the perfect place to conceal a non-existent facility with the island being the furthest out into the Philippine Sea and an estimated population of only 168.

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