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This has to be some sick joke. Was my first thought.

Where the hell has all the bodies gone? Was my second.

Who was that guy who looked like the rat? Third.

 I knew what I was seeing was right. I knew she wasn't there, I could feel the emptiness in the room like an icy shiver. This is definitely some kind of trick. I couldn't see for 10 seconds, the man didn't even look like 10 seconds would be enough to bloody stand-up, but somehow he has managed it. 

Minho walks in. Stopping in his tracks. That's when I notice everything is gone. The sofas and the small coffee table, the desk the man sat at and even the door to our dorms. 

Teresa's room was the only thing left. 

"Ok. I know this is going to sound crazy but...Where'd you hide our door?" He says, looking over at the smooth surface where the door should be. I couldn't answer to his sarcasm right now. Nothing made sense. 

"She's gone." I knew it was my voice, but I didn't remember forming the words. Maybe that's what confusion did to people. Drove them to the point where their lips moved without command. That's what I was thinking though, I couldn't care about any of the other stuff (the missing corpses did kind of put me on edge though) I cared that she had somehow been taken by the man. In a matter of 10 seconds. 

Minho whispers something, I catch the fact he put a swear word after 'holy'.

"Where'd she go?" He asks. I spin around. 

"Where'd she go?"

"Yeah, where did she go?" He answers. 

"God, Minho. If I knew I wouldn't be standing here right now would I?!" My voice echoes, hitting off every wall. Frypan comes out, peeking his head around the door. His eyes are wide.

"Thank goodness, about time it was cleared," He says, laughing. It annoys me that he isn't thinking of the logistics of what just happened. There was no way in or out, yet was done in 10 seconds. 

"Do you think she's out with the cranks? Do you think she's still a black haired bimbo?" Minho says, crossing his arms. Something about the word 'bimbo' made me cross, maybe it was the fact she had just been kidnapped, maybe it was the fact she was without a doubt smarter than both of us. 

"Don't, not the time or the place," I say. I still can't figure out how this happened in a matter of seconds. Part of me knew I should be more upset that she had been taken but it seemed like every sense was piled with scepticism, this couldn't have happened. 

"I saw nothing for 10 seconds and this is what happened," I explain as others crowd the empty room, some were scratching at the wall where our door should be, others were walking around, looking up at the ceiling for the bodies, perhaps. 

"Well then, that's really something," Newt says. I could feel everyone on edge, if 'they' are capable of this, what else could 'they' do to us. We don't even know who 'they' are. 

"Doesn't that seem...Oh, I don't know. Impossible to you at all?!" I was shouting, there was a certain frustration that came with the anxiety and confusion. It was like thinking about space when someone asks you things like: 

"Where does space end?"

"If we are really that small, how big are the huge planets?" 

"What is on the other end of where space ends?"

"What was there before space?" 

It was like those questions, the more you thought about it, the more you got confused. The more you hated yourself for not knowing. It was human nature, we needed to know. Our generation can't stand to not understand anything.

I felt something, like when someone's standing right behind you, you just know. I could almost feel the hot breath on the side of my jaw. They'd 'reconnected' us. I just knew. 

Teresa, are you there? Is that you?  I ask, forming the words in my head like daydreaming. Throwing them to her like baseball.

No, It's Aris I hear, the voice clearly belonging to a boy. My heart sank. I saw his eyes from the other end the room, what I felt was him trying to 'connect', probably to see how I was feeling. I sometimes did that with Teresa, if you thought hard enough, you could catch her fear like a rising heat, her anxiety like an icy chill and happiness like a warm blanket. 

"Talk to me out loud, Aris. Please." I shout across the room, I thought it was her, I thought she was alright. He looks hurt, I shouldn't care, he got my hopes up but I do, I feel bad. He is just as confused as I am. 

We can do nothing now. Nothing at all. 

"Hey, guys! Over here." Minho calls, I crane my neck, my eyes landing on a switch to the left of Minho, it's big and silver. Definitely was not there before. 

"Should we?" Minho contemplates, running his fingers gently across the surface. I already knew what my answer was.

"Do it," I say, plainly. It can't do much worse, can it? Aris taps his chin with his finger.

"Maybe that's what they want us to do." He says, my head jerks to him. Something in the way he said 'they', like there was a familiarity in his tone, like he knew who these people were. 

I met his stare, his icy glance, I could almost see the wall around him. The wall where he was going to block us out, he wasn't going to tell us what he knows. 

I'll just have to force it out of him then.   

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