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Teresa's POV
I felt the heat burning at my eyelids, then I felt the cool cloth on my forehead. I was definitely out the building and I don't think I had been too badly injured as I could wiggle my toes. I couldn't help feeling a little annoyed at myself for doing something so stupid, shouldn't it be someone's else's turn to be the sacrifice? I also felt quite proud of myself- saving your friends from danger is a wonderful feeling, that is if you know that they had gotten out safely.
"Teresa, wake up!" Someone whispered urgently. I split my eyes open to see Harriet, she had a large bruise above her left eyebrow and her hair was particularly messy.
"What's happened?" I asked frantically, Harriet put her hand over my mouth and looked around hastily.
I turned and saw that we were at a campsite, there were people from all different nationalities milling about- was I at the Right Arm?
Then I saw Jorge.
I remembered being taken by someone from the building, I thought it might have been one of the gladers who had noticed I was missing and had saved me. That's what I had hoped but it was Jorge. And Harriet was here. They had gotten us, just like they wanted.

Thomas' POV

I remembered every detail of tonight, I was running down the halls when Daniel cried out, I remember the speed of my heart when he exclaimed Teresa wasn't there. I remember the anger I had felt when Harriet told us what she had done.
Running back was a blur, I just remember Daniel and Minho behind me. Harriet hasn't shown up, she must have been taken by Jorge. At least we know she isn't dead yet, I have no idea about Teresa. We set up 'camp' just outside the town. It was now the early morning and I hadn't slept at all, Brenda began to wake so I wiped my eyes before she could see that I had been crying. Thankfully, we had met up with Newt, Frypan and the others and made a 'camp' just outside the town, where Jorge wouldn't find us. The only problem was that I wanted to be found, I wanted to know what had happened to Teresa after she had jumped the cranks so we could get out.

Me, Daniel, Minho, Newt, Winston, Frypan, Sonja and Brenda searched the ruins for her and Harriet, then we checked all the rooms in the place. As a last desperate resort, we all looked around the whole city, we found cranks and rats and other disgusting things, but no sign of Teresa or Harriet.

I hoped Teresa wasn't dead but I also wondered if she would rather that than being taken by Jorge's group. Would it be better to die than to be sold on to someone else? Brenda was the only one awake, I knew I should talk to her, but I was so tired since I hadn't slept a wink.

"Hey Brenda," I started, she walked over and sat next to me, I looked up at the sky as the sun came up, the city flushed with gold.

"How much did you know about what Jorge was doing?" I asked her, I could feel her tense next to me; it must have been hard talking about it because living with someone and then finding out they are traffickers must not be a very nice experience.

"I knew he was doing some illegal deals...we both needed the money, I never knew he was selling on immunes...I would never have let him get away with it if I did know," she spoke quietly, her voice dripped in sadness.

"What are they going to do to them?" I asked apprehensively. I didn't really want to know but the look on Brenda's face made my heart break for Harriet and possibly Teresa if god forbid she had been taken as well.

"It started up when the flare first came about, immunes are precious. As you know, Jorge and his 'gang' took an interest in your friends, that's because they want their product to be pretty on the outside I guess. They're more likely to get the higher ranked buyers," Brenda spoke. I clenched my teeth as she called them 'product' but I had guessed we were immune, and that's what this world wanted from us.

"What do you mean by they're more likely to get the higher buyers?" I asked skeptically. I was feeling a lot worse now that I was learning about it, I wanted nothing more than to get up and find them both. Dead or alive, I was getting them back to safety. Brenda sighed.

"You've seen it all in the movies, Thomas. It's life now. Young women are sold on to the rich. The immunity is what matters most to them but they are most likely to go for the most attractive to suit either their tastes or their clients. It's horrible I know," She says coldly. I gulped.

"Where is Jorge going to take them?" I asked her, determination and anger building up inside me like a tsunami being sucked from the beach, about to come back in a 20-meter wave. She shook her head sadly and looked up at the sky.
"Definitely somewhere in Europe, where exactly? I'm not sure," she relied helplessly, her voice shallow. I tried to calm down but I could feel my hands shaking, my eyes stinging; both from sadness and anger.

Teresa's POV

I was dragged into the car by a man with his face completely covered, if anything that kind of gave me hope. If he felt the need to hide his identity then there was a chance I could survive.
Harriet and I had been split up, she was taken somewhere else. I hoped this wasn't some sort of auction, I wasn't ready for us to be split up just yet.
My wrists and ankles were locked together with tight leather, they looked handmade from the remnants of someone's handbag.
The car had hard, dirty seats and no seat belts, I couldn't breathe because of the heat and the cigarette smoke coming from outside. I coughed back the smoke and tried not to notice the tattoo on the man's arm who had pushed me inside. From what I saw at a glance it was like a barcode but light blue. I didn't want to think it was more than decorative.
A bag was placed on my lap which was stupid as I couldn't really get it because my hands were tied. It was a small canvas wrap stained slightly beige. It looked ancient and smelled of dust.
"What is it?" I choked out, I could feel the metal through the two layers of cloth separating me to whatever was inside. I could rule out a gun because it was too light.
"You'll see when we get to the boat," the man replied, his voice was as rough as sandpaper and echoed a European vibe, perhaps Portuguese?
I could feel the fatigue creeping up on me during the drive, the heat was cooling down and mimicked a cool night wrapped up in a thick blanket, I was brought back to the cozy feeling of Christmas. I knew sleeping was dangerous but the seats suddenly became very comfortable, the hum of the car on the sand was like waves and gentle rain. I shut my eyes and promised myself I wouldn't go to sleep.

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