It's a promise

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I watched carefully as Teresa slowly opened the door, the small creaking noise sounding like an earthquake against the silence. Teresa had joined another group hadn't she? Where were they? I knew enough about girls to know a silent group of them was...Abnormal. Teresa peered into the dim lighting, which was a strange shade of purple. Then she stepped out, there was no fear in her body language which is one of the reasons I'll never fully understand Teresa... But, it's probably a lot less scary for her to walk into a group of young women than it was for me.
I looked down and saw carpet, a strange design embossed into the soft, beige felt.
We seemed to be in someone's study. Books were piled high on the desk, so thickly layered in dust it wouldn't be a far off guess to say this place hasn't been touched in the last hundred years.
That purple light from before? A corner lamp the size of an umbrella.
The walls were rock, the ceiling no different, it reminded me of the inside of a cave.
"Well this is different," Teresa says slowly, turning in a half circle. I wasn't so surprised that these people would move us again... A living area probably pre-owned by a caveman? An overall strange destination to be honest.
"Uh huh." It was the only thing my lips could form. I was too busy looking at the droplets of dew wetting the pages of the only open book on the desk.
"What's that book?" I ask, walking over to the wooden desk.
The book looked brand new, the pages crisp white and full of small text I couldn't make out. The cave water had smudged a lot of the printing. I skimmed the page with my fingers, draining the lines of the words that were either too long and scientific for my interest or unreadable because of the damp ink spread.
"I think it's instructions," Teresa whispers from over my shoulder, it's only then I feel her hair tickling my cheek.
"Yeah well, whatever dumb idiot left it open just blew our chances of understanding it." I whisper back. God knows why we're whispering, it just felt right in this strange place. Maybe the Ratman's going to pull some sort of Snow White on us and a little crippled woman is going to start forcing poisoned onions down our throat. Or was it poisoned apples? It would make more sense...
"What's wrong?!" Teresa hissed, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What? Nothing's wrong!" I whisper, closing the book and turning round to face her. Up close I could see the bruises at the corner of her lips and her jaw, I could see the shadows under her eyes from stress and exhaustion. Her hollow cheeks bringing back the painful thought that we haven't eaten.
I couldn't take my eyes off the bruises that stained her face.
"Who was it?" I level my voice out to try and sound less than incredibly furious. She furrows her eyebrows.
"Who was who?" She asks nervously, I could see she knew where I was looking, she knew exactly what I was talking about. And it was heartbreaking to watch her subtly raise her hand and pretend to scratch her lip in an attempt to hide be bruising.
"Who was it that attacked you?" I ask, my knees tilt inwards, quickly I put my arm behind me and grip the edge of the table.
"I wasn't attacked Thomas, it was just-"
My mouth moves with the anger, forming the words on their own.
"I wanna know the names of the people I'm gonna stamp into the depths of hell." When I say it, a notice a spark in her eyes, hungry for payback. It sank away in the blue as she hides her desire for revenge.
"Is that a threat I just heard, Thomas?" She asks, looking at the book in my arms.
She looks up and our eyes lock and for a second there's comfort, it only lasted for a second.
But for that second, I felt happy, I felt safe. I felt like I was home.
I stare hard into her blue eyes before replying.
"It's a promise."
A/N: I am so sorry for the late updates! I have no excuse except that I have been introduced to the Percy Jackson books... It speaks for itself really, those books are amazing ⭐️
Anyway, I'm very sorry for this late update so to make up for it, next chapter will have some happy reunions and some bromance extreme friendship ❤️

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