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A/N: I just want to say now that I kinda deleted my shadowhunter fanfic because I was going into writers block too often and I didn't really know where the story was going 😞 to make up for it I'll give you a very badass, action packed chapter 🤗
Teresa's POV
I really wished Thomas would just stay silent, I knew he knew that this was the man who had hit me. And I could see from the confused look he was giving me that he knew, I knew, he knew- I knew this was the guy as well and he was confused on:-
1. Why I wasn't putting up a fight
2. Why I wasn't praising him for knowing and trying to stick up for me
I didn't blame him, it was difficult being hauled away with Ethan but I had faith in Kevin and knew this had to be part of his plan... if only Thomas would keep to the script.
Ethan turned us around and began walking away, I didn't want Thomas or anyone else to interfere but part of me hoped to God one of them did, I didn't really want to face him again, I didn't even know if Kevin could help me from wherever he is.
"Well I'm coming," Thomas says, his voice is very close behind us, I look over my shoulder to see that Thomas is standing millimetres behind us, staring at my clamped arm.
Ethan let's go of my arm, which leads Thomas to step in between. I sigh in defeat- he was ruining the plan! 

I try to sound as calm as I can: "Thomas, I would really feel better if you just stayed here with the others, I will back in no time." Tom looks at me incredulously, he looked devastated which I couldn't bear. Part of me knew he wouldn't be able to calm down till I was back, like one of those little puppies that freak out when their owners leave the room. I know he would freak because that's what friends do, we worry. 

"I know what you've done, and I know for a fact you won't make it to the end of the day if you touch a single hair on her head," Thomas says to Ethan in a low voice, so quiet I could barely hear it, Ethan understood alright, his face gave that much away. 

Thomas was shorter than Ethan, but I knew he had a more powerful determination, higher stamina and no doubt a lot physically stronger. I would say Thomas might have a chance of fighting him if Ethan leaves his bat alone and plays fair, I don't think I'll ever look at the Yankees in the same way. 

Thomas looks at me again, like he's trying to decipher a very tricky yet important code. Then he looked back at Ethan, then back to me. 

He was finding this very difficult, leaving me and all. In other circumstances, this would be a good thing, to have such close, caring friends. Thankfully he seems to back up, not leave but back up. I couldn't wait for him to change his mind, I walk forward with as much confidence as I can muster and I just hope to god this works. 

Thomas' POV

I watch her walk away, my eyes glued to them both until she's escorted into another room. Have you ever had that feeling after a really hard cardio workout and your legs feel weak, your stomach empty and your chest physically painful? That's what I'm feeling right now. 

Her eyes were pleading me to leave, for me to let her go on her own with the very guy who had caused her so much pain. I had the most overwhelming urge to run after them both, to start as much chaos as I could and get everyone out of here. 

Teresa doesn't seem to want that, something was desperately wrong with her. She seemed to be anxious for me to go, anxious to go to wherever the man was taking her again. Was she just trying to protect me?

Minho comes up to me, patting my back reassuringly. 

"We don't like that dude, do we?" He says, whilst looking at group B, his eyes seemed glued on the pretty girl Harriet, I didn't blame him. If my best friend hadn't just been taken away on her own with the guy who attacked her, I would probably be standing here right now staring at her as well, but now that Teresa has been taken, I'm not really in the mood for Harriet. 

The Scorch Trials - completely different version :)Where stories live. Discover now