Be ready

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Minho's POV

And then the woman disappears, leaving us standing there trying to let all the information sink in. Phase two was going to be difficult, that's all I could confirm, a prickle of sweat runs down my neck as I look at the others, some of these guys have spent the last three years cooking or gardening, I have already seen first-hand the physical pain these last couple of days have caused them with their joints, I don't think we're all going to make it out here alive. Thankfully after Thomas left, the woman came to tell us about phase two and gave us our room back, the door blurring and appearing right back where it was, why they had to take it away in the first place will remain a mystery. 

"Alright, shuckfaces! We've not got long so we've got to start packing, you heard the woman, they're going to bring us food tonight, so go find a way to store it now, so we don't have to tomorrow morning!" I shout, watching as everyone stands up and looks in the rooms for something to use as a pack, some boys scratch at the walls and floors for something to appear, a gesture that would seem unusual in any other situation but this one.

Newt comes over after what seemed 10 minutes and spoke; "we couldn't find much so we're going to use the sheets." He says, ushering behind him to Frypan and Jack holding piles of sheets. 

"That'll work!" I clap, grateful that we've done something in preparation. They lay down the sheets as I count. 

"We're down one," I say, realising they had forgotten to add Thomas into the numbers of sheets we need. 

"I think he is going to join the other group, dude," Frypan says in a sad voice but I know better. I know Thomas won't leave us, and I know he'll bring Teresa back with him.  

"How many other sheets still in the rooms?" I ask, steadily. Frypan looks to Jack who is counting with his fingers. 

"Four," he says finally, I nod in approval. That will be enough. 

"Bring all four." I say, "We'll pack one with food, one with water and the rest will cover us from the sun." I add in a loud voice, informing the rest of the group what we're going to do. I think about telling them that Thomas will come back, but can I really be sure? Do I trust Thomas enough to know he won't leave us? Leave her either?

"Alright! Listen up." I shout, waiting for the silence, the mumbles die down quickly. 

"Thomas will be coming back, and he will be bringing Teresa back with him, Ok? That's a fact, I don't want any of you guys thinking he is going to let us down because he won't!" I shout, nods go round the group as well as people shaking their heads, a mix of people who believe Thomas will come back and others who believe he has left for good. 

We'll just have to see.  

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