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A/N: I hoped you all liked the end to that last chapter, sadly to everyone who loves a little bit of romantic drama that has had a cameo in these last few chapters, the romantic stuff will be sizzling out for the next few chapters because if you have read my other fanfictions you will know I like to add in fast paced action sequences which usually results in 0% romance until things are sorted. Also, I know that in the books and movies they were meant to be in Mexico/ South America but in this fanfiction they are in Africa. Sorry about this chapter taking so long to publish but there is Cherokee culture and Egyptian mythology (this ain't gonna turn into a Percy Jackson style fanfic, I promise you) in this, and as this is a very serious and historical topic to add into this, I had to touch up on my knowledge so I got things as accurate as possible, apologies if any wrong facts or the characters opinions offend anyone, if it does or if you notice a mistake, please let me know xx

Thomas' POV

Why did I just do that? I thought I didn't feel that way about her. I was telling myself that when she woke up, how could I not listen to myself? It was as if I couldn't control myself, I felt like I needed to kiss her or I wouldn't be able to sleep, I felt like if I didn't kiss her, Daniel would get there first.

And here she is now, pulling away from me; stumbling back in utter shock. I sat there, breathing hard with nerves, for once I was hoping to take watch instead of Daniel, anything to stop myself from sitting here watching the big mistake I had made unroll in front of me.

I feel the press of lips on mine again, she's kissing me back. I tried to keep a straight face, but the smile spread across my lips and onto hers. I kept my hands pressed to the floor, scared that if I let them go free, they would find their way into her hair and I wasn't sure that was a place I wanted to venture considering the fact it looked like a rats nest.

Something cracked from outside, pulling us apart as curiosity overcame us, her eyes gleamed with a hint of green as the orange light of the fires lit through the crack of the tent. Teresa tried to move but her leg wouldn't allow it. Rubbing her shoulder and giving her a reassuring smile, I went to go see.

I hadn't even gotten out yet before she asked me, "Is it Daniel? Is he alright?" I looked out and saw that Daniel had turned around, a small smile on his face as he looked through the tent. So I take from it that he had heard that Teresa was worried about him but happened to miss our kiss. Figures.

"Did you hear something out here?" I asked him. He frowned and nodded, looking off somewhere to the right of him, into the gloom of the night.

"Yeah, I guessed it was like a scorpion or a lizard of some sorts," he replied. I could hear a small gasp from Teresa inside, both I and Daniel moved like clockwork as we both toppled into the tent to see if she was alright.

I noticed her looking at Frypan with a look of pure horror, I followed her gaze, swallowing down my anxious feeling. As Frypan slept, a large scorpion had made its way onto his chin. The thing was huge... It was the colour of sand with a burnt brown end. Its tail was fat and writhing in anticipation, no way was I going to let Frypan die over a scorpion.

I could tell it was poisonous, my natural instincts told me as soon as I saw it. It looked powerful, it radiated the mercy of the people who hadn't seen it when it camouflaged in the sand dunes.

"Deathstalker Scorpion...Ouch," someone said from behind us. I knew it wasn't Daniel because the voice sounded like an older man, an Indian man. He was buff and tall, his hair was cropped short. His body was painted in white and red patterns, two finger marks over his cheeks and down his nose. He was dressed in breechcloths and leggings. He looked like a Native American, what he was doing in the middle of the Sahara was beyond me.

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