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A/N: See that song above^^^^ It's quite good. Why not listen to it whilst reading this chapter?

Teresa's POV

I could hear the shouting as the world was tipped upside down. I could feel nothing but blood rushing to my head and someone's shoulder and back muscles crushing into my chest like being poked with iron rods.

I stopped fighting, for the sole purpose that I agreed with their intention, Thomas deserved the space into the safe haven. He has the unyielding courage to put his heart and soul into anything he believes so strongly about, he taught me that I had to be brave in the moments where I doubted myself, he showed us all that his bravery alone could outrival any power Wicked held. He deserved it more than me.

I could almost feel Thomas fighting as the walls and floor seemed to bounce, I could sense it even though I was off the ground completely, suspended by a heavily armed guard.

"Let her go! Teresa!" Thomas was shouting, his voice was nothing I had ever heard before, he acted as if his breaths were being cut short, his desperate shouts almost resemble those of the cranks- stop. No. It was too hard to think about, I had to remind myself that Thomas was fine, he was going to be safe with the others. Another reason why I shouldn't fight back.

I was dumped at the top of the stairs on my back, I had to arch my back to abate the pain in my lumbar spine. I didn't shout for help, that would only give Thomas more strength, bigger the chance of reaching me.

"He'll come. He's not going through that door without me," I bated the guards. I had no clue why Thomas was particularly more important than the rest of us, but I was relieved to know we both wanted Thomas safe.

The guards looked back down the stairs, one of them gasped and reached for my arm. I was dragged to my feet. I noticed it was a woman, maybe in her fifties.

"Wicked will attack us soon, we can get you to a berg where we'll transport you to our offices abroad," she stated calmly, pulling me along. I could hear Thomas making his way up the stairs, it sounded like he was fighting off everyone and everything that happened to get in his way. We were running out of time.

I ran with her to the left, where a long corridor of glass lay. I followed her down, trying to control how loud my footsteps were. I could feel my vision cloud, I may never see Thomas again now. I'm running away from him. From someone I love...

Thomas' POV

My visioned obscured as I ran up the stairs. I had to look down at the steps to make sure they weren't covered in tar, I was moving too slow. My heart was beating so fast I was terrified I would faint. 

Not her, please not her. I kept saying that over and over in my head, praying for strength to help her. 

I got to the top of the stairs to see that nobody was there, I couldn't stop as guards were closing in. I ran to the right, where a long corridor led onto what seemed to be a huge hall.

I had never run so fast, not even in the maze, I wasn't even sure this is where she had gone but I had to try. I still wasn't sure what I would do when I found her, there was no way I was going through into the safe haven without her, but I know she'll be thinking the same thing about me. 

I started to cry whilst running, no matter what happens to me, this will be the last day I'll see her and I can't bear it. I tried not to think about the fact that I won't see Minho, Newt or the rest of the gladers again because I was not leaving her behind. 

I made it to the hall barely as I couldn't see through my tears. I wiped my eyes and scanned the place. There were eight doors surrounding the hall, I felt like I was in the middle of a Roman stadium. The roof was a very high glass dome, making the place look a lot like a snow globe. 

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