Not you again

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Teresa's POV

We walked behind Brenda in silence, I silently prayed the others would get out safely because I had the gut feeling we were at the mercy of our enemies. I started to wonder why we were following Brenda, she was one person, we could run before she got back-up. Sadly, I was too late to act on that idea. 

"Just through here," Brenda says sweetly, turning and leaning her back on the wall just left of the bronze door. I could hear shouting from inside. I was at the front of the line so I went in first, I held my breath as I waiting to be shot down or at least ambushed. 

Instead, I was greeted with a hug, I pulled away to get a look at the man's face. I could tell he was Jorge since he looked Latino, he perfectly suited his name. The only problem was that he had aspects of African and Arabian, his clothing and style suggested he was from a lot of places, it was the translator who liked the idea of shipping me god knows where. 

"Thomas!" I shouted the first name that popped into my head, he seemed to be the person who was called on a lot when we were in deep trouble, part of me felt sorry for Thomas running around after us. He never failed to run to my side though as he ran through the door, the others close on his heels. I watched as Thomas soaked up the information in a matter of seconds, everything seemed to slow as I watched his eyes dart to me, then to Jorge, then he did a double take of Jorge as he realised who he was, then Thomas noticed how close Jorge was standing to me because in that second Thomas lunged forward almost as if he'd been pushed from behind and stood between us, shoving Jorge back. 

"What do you want?! You disgusting scum!" Thomas shouted. Brenda came in looking shocked, I was good at reading faces; I don't think Brenda knows of Jorge's business. 

"We are meeting under peace," Jorge says uneasily as if he was scared Thomas would head butt him. Brenda ran in front of Thomas, protecting Jorge. I felt a strong urge to stick up for Brenda, help her get out of here. After hearing the intentions of what Jorge was going to do to me or Harriet- selling us on!  Brenda didn't seem very safe here.

"Under peace! You tried to sell my friends and now you're trying to make peace?!" Thomas boomed, for some reason, when he called me a friend my heart sank. I thought back to my conversation with Daniel before, how I had kissed him- but I had felt something with Thomas as well as Daniel and I still had no idea how I truly felt. 

"You did what?!" Brenda spun on her heels to face Jorge, her voice was full of pain and my heart broke for her. Jorge glared back at Thomas and then to me, I could sense his mind whirring. I watched him glance to his guards who were standing diagonally behind me, I couldn't help but notice Thomas wasn't in the way of them. If Jorge wanted them to, I would be caught before anyone could react. 

"Thomas, don't do anything stupid we're surrounded," I whispered, tightening my fists around his shirt. I felt stupid for being scared. I noticed a door to my left where another guard stood. Jorge sneered angrily. 

"She didn't need to find out, not from you. Not from a worthless munie," He shouted, I felt Thomas' muscles tense under his shirt. I knew Thomas well enough that he was up for a fight. 

"Tom..." I started but Thomas was already moving, he moved Brenda out the way and towards Minho which made me feel better, at least she was in the safety of Minho. I was more concerned for Jorge who suffered the sheer brute force of Thomas plowing into him and knocking him into the desk behind him. I watched as not a single one of his guards moved which was very strange, as I looked closer I could see that their veins were bulging purple and they were breathing heavily. 

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