Get moving

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Daniel's POV

Her eyes closed gently like someone just drifting off to sleep, it was beautifully strange. Silence travelled along everyone, as nothing but the wind could be heard. Thomas put a hand to her throat, carefully pressing down. He let out a breath as his eyes tightened shut. 

"She's alive," he says quietly, his voice weak. I already had a feeling she was still alive. Teresa just seems like the type of person who can survive anything, I was extremely glad she was alright. She's my only friend. 

When I looked back up at Kevin, I noticed a lot of people had given Thomas and Teresa some space, like they had walked in on something private. Were they...together? Kevin ushered me to follow him, as I got up. I looked down at her ankle and saw the dark wood and the medical wrap. She had made her own splint. 

I walked over to Kevin, who patted my back. "You did well, Daniel," he says heading towards one of the large military trucks. I followed quickly, trying to keep up with his long strides. 

"I must say though, Wicked will be after us. They have eyes all over this desert, you are going to come in very helpful," he adds, smiling over his shoulder. Most people would probably be anxious to hear that they were more than likely going to be doing some dangerous tasks but all I felt was excitement. I've never really felt a part of something in my life (that I can remember of course).

Kevin cups his mouth and shouts: "Set up camp, we sleep here tonight and move first thing in the morning!" I watch everyone scrambling around to make the camp before it got too late, it just made me wonder whether or not there was a point in getting comfortable if Wicked was going to look for us. 

A girl with short black hair taps my shoulder, she had a strange face, her eyes were quite close together and her lip curved into a frown-stop pointing out the negative! I scolded myself. 

"You were the spy for the right arm weren't you?" She asks, kicking the sand nervously. I wasn't sure whether or not she was scared of me, I didn't really see any reason to be scared of me, Teresa did all the badass stuff; I just redirected their attention while she did the dirty work. 

"Yes, I was," I say proudly, trying my best to make myself taller which just made me look stupid. She nodded and grinned. 

"Thank you for helping us then, we were all doomed to die," she says with a warm smile that didn't really match the words she was saying. For a such a happy looking girl she was pretty depressing. I nodded and smiled politely.

"Well, Teresa did all the hard stuff. You should be thanking her," I reply, pointing to the back of a truck where Teresa now lay snuggled in about a hundred blankets, Thomas and his clique kneeling around her. I felt an aching pain seeing how pale she looked, it felt like ages ago I was leaving her in that closet. I remembered how she was holding herself together more than I was and she was the one who should have been terrified. 

"I will thank her if she wakes up," the girl says happily. Ok, this girl is strange. 

"She will wake up," I say stubbornly, although my heart was racing. It was strange because I'd only known her for a day but she was my only friend. The only person I feel comfortable talking to. I didn't want anything to happen to her. I walked away before this girl could make me feel any worse. 

Thomas' POV

I tried my best to concentrate on something to make my mind off the fact she wasn't waking up but nothing was working. I could hear my heart beating in my ears which was stupid because she was breathing of course, if anything she looked like she had just fallen asleep. 

I changed my breathing to match hers so that I was now breathing slowly and more peaceful. I could feel my heart rate going down already as our breaths matched. 

Someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around to see that other boy, the 'spy' with Teresa. The one I still hadn't decided if I liked yet or not. 

"Hi, I'm Daniel; I don't think you knew that because I didn't think you were listening before but I don't know whether or not I actually told you so I'm telling you now," he says awkwardly. When he finished I could see he regretted that excessively long rant he just made, I felt kind of sorry for him. He was just very shy and awkward. 

"Nice to meet you, Daniel, I'm Thomas," I say holding out my hand. He looks at it hesitantly almost as if he was expecting me to hit him. Once he sees my hand had not moved any closer to his face, he shakes it. 

"Sorry, I'm just not used to people being so kind to me," he says although he isn't looking at me at all, he's looking at her as if he's talking to her, apologizing to her. I could see she was his only friend, which made me feel really sad; everyone deserves a friend. 

"She's doing alright at the moment, they're saying it was a mix of exhaustion and pain," I said, partly because I knew he would want to know and partly because I didn't know what else I could say to him.

He smiled and nodded, I watched him sit down next to me, he had to pull his feet up against him so he didn't trample Teresa's hair. He turned towards me, obviously nervous to ask me something, I raised my eyebrows, "yes?"

He cleared his throat, "I was wondering, they're setting up bases for each maze so it's harder to spot all of us, I don't really want to go with my maze," he muttered, his eyes were sad. I had the feeling his maze wasn't as comfy as ours was. I couldn't say no.

"Yeah man, sure. You can join our glade, I'm sure the others will be fine with that," I said, patting him on the back. He had scratches and bruises on his face like Teresa's, I decided not to think about it. I could hear the talking of our glade with group B, it was strange to see girls that didn't have black hair or blue eyes. That's all I've known. I locked eyes with Sonja, who smiled pleasantly. Her hair was neatly combed and pulled into a bun, I didn't know how she could look so perfect and smart after the things that have happened. 

"I think she is pretty," I heard Daniel say from behind me, I took a side glance of Sonja, personally I wouldn't think of Sonja that way, she was cute in a sort of dorky way, she had a small nose and big round blue eyes, she resembled someone I knew...

"Yeah, I guess but Sonja's not really my-" I started but Daniel frowned. 

"I was talking about Teresa..." He answered awkwardly. Oh, that's what he meant. I stared at her next- completely aware that I'm going to hell for trying to figure out if I find every girl I see attractive, I am better than this, I promise. 

I'd never looked at Teresa in that way either, she was always the girl that all of us were secretly terrified of, the girl who had very quickly become one of my best friends. Although looking at her now in gentle slumber, she was very beautiful. Her eyelashes were long and dark and cast shadows on her skin. Her skin was pale and her cheeks were rosy, I could see a soft tan colour of freckles sprinkling her nose. Her lips were a pale shade of red and were spread slightly apart as she slept. Her hair was a tangled mass of black locks, with the occasional twig, small clump of gravel and dried grass infused through it, it was a very bold fashion statement but just showed how much she didn't care that from the hairline up she looked like a caveman. 

And I was staring, Daniel knew I was staring because I was staring at her and he was staring at me, which made for a relatively awkward situation. I glanced up, I hoped my face wasn't as red as it felt. 

"She's my best friend, you know? I mean I suppose people may think she is somewhat attractive but I don't feel that way about her," Yeah you do, I said to myself, then I chose to ignore myself, Daniel looked at me skeptically, as if he knew what I was thinking. Then his face turned slightly hurt and disappointed, it was very subtle but I could see it, he realised that he had just showed me how beautiful my best friend was, and now he was seriously regretting it.     

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