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A/N: Changed the name of this fanfiction because I have come to the conclusion that this is nothing like the book, nor the movie! It is a completely different version 🙂

Thomas' POV

We all seemed to group up, which probably wasn't the best idea considering we were horrifically out-numbered. The torches sparked the beady eyes of the wolves who paced towards us slowly, teasing us from different angles. Part of me had accepted that this was it, none of us are going to make this out alive. I slung an arm over Harriet's shoulder and she looked up. I could see the pure terror in her eyes, I thought back to when she had organised a date for us if we ever got back, even if (magically) we got out of this alive and got to the safe haven; I couldn't go out with her, I had too strong feelings for someone else.

I still cared about Harriet though, and I wanted to keep her safe from these wolves as well. What scared me more was that there was no sign on their owners, where were the death followers? I could sense everyone was thinking the same thing as nervous glances were exchanged.

Unfortunately, the creed showed as shadow figures walking towards us. They were dressed in sandy robes skiffing the rocky ground, a white cotton crown with black stripes flowing to their shoulders like paper hair. I counted 4. For some reason none of them were women. It annoyed me at how calm and unbothered they were, they just strolled up with no care in the world.

They stopped among their hounds, levelling us all up, thankfully Kevin and his troops were outside the circle of dogs, trying to figure a way to get rid of over 70. One man stepped forward, he was tall and skinny, he was paler than the others and had more of a Latino vibe.

"Greetings, fellow munies. We have only come for business, obey and nobody gets hurt," He says in a strong concoction of Spanish, Northern African and Arabic. It was hard to understand his words due to the strange voice, I guessed he was the translator of the group, the only one who could speak English.

"What do you want from us?" Newt asked him, the man frowned; looking to us for help.

"I do not understand the posh voice," he replies sheepishly. I was almost tempted to smile, then I saw the wolves bare their teeth as if they were reading my thoughts and testing my positivity. Figures.

"He's asking what you want from us, answer him," I replied, stepping forward. The man looked behind him to his companions and spoke in a confusing, fast-paced language which I found very interesting. He turned back around.

"We desire one girl and one boy from your group to take back with us," he concluded. I looked down, unable to face anyone. Were they planning on kidnapping us? Were they going to take us to Wicked? Take us to another group?

"You're not religious at all, are you? Not really, you're just trafficking immunes and using a God in your favour to scare your enemies," Teresa piped up, crossing her arms over her chest. I could see the piercing adrenaline in her eyes, now that she was mobile, she was digging the idea of a fight which was kind of intimidating.

The man seemed to waver under her stare, she had definitely surprised him, whether or not what she said was true.

"You speak nothing but the truth, yes. That does not make us any less threatening to you though," he replies quickly, regaining his composure. One of his buddies poked him for his attention and spoke some more mad Arabic. They all glanced at Teresa sceptically before nodding in agreement, the one of the left grinning.

"What's happening? What did they say?" I asked frantically. My question seemed to remind them that we were all still here.

"My partners and I have agreed that the girl is pretty and alas will please our boss, lots of money yes?" He said as if I should have known this. Anger swelled inside me like a blown balloon and I lunged, desperate to rip them all to shreds. Minho and Frypan had a joined effort in holding me back.

The Scorch Trials - completely different version :)Where stories live. Discover now