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A/N: If you have a weak stomach when it comes to blood and/ or violence then please do not read this while you are eating. This chapter has got a lot of injuries. Yes, things are about to get messy.

Teresa's POV

Teresa, if you look behind you, you will find a uniform which you will put on as a disguise. Pick up the red box next to it and walk out, act natural. When you go out, you will turn to your left and make your way to end of the hallway. Go out those doors and you will find a conference room. They do not know you are working for me but they are expecting the red box. Give the red box to the woman with the blonde hair and red lipstick, do not make eye contact Teresa, she does know who you are. Go back round the table anti clockwise, count the people as you go. Once you get to the fourth person, carefully reach into their jacket pocket which will be hanging on the chair behind them. You will find a gun. Hide it in the inside pocket of your coat and walk out the doors. Good luck.  

I tried not to think of anything else, It was hard enough remembering everything without having any distractions but I found myself thinking about the other spies Kevin seemed to have; like the woman who took Daniel, if he had these people in the building, why couldn't they do this?

I turned and put on the clothes that were hanging on a hook behind me: A long white doctors coat, a pale green surgeon's hat, one of those mask things surgeons put over their mouths that freak me out and green rubber gloves. 

It took a minute to find the red box, it was stuffed behind some other brown boxes, probably so that nobody else would take it before me, it was quite heavy and felt like it had fluids in it, when I tilted it slightly, I heard rolling and glass hitting of glass. 

I finally stepped outside, silently swearing that I'll get Kevin back for this. How could he expect me to do this by myself? The hallway was crowded with people, walking to different rooms, nobody seemed to regard each other at all, they all had the same dull expressions on their faces. I tried to blend in but a lot of people kept looking at me and the box especially. What was in this box?

Thankfully, I made it to the doors without crumbling which seemed like a pretty good achievement. I put the box on one of my hands and opened the door. Just like Kevin said, there was a group of angry looking people talking around a large, round table. At the top sat a woman with blonde hair and red lipstick, her hair in a tight bun. Nobody seemed to acknowledge I was there, which was a very good thing for me. 

I lay the box down in front of her, I looked down at my feet, it was creepy thinking this woman knew who I was but I had no idea who she was. Fortunately, she didn't look up but put all her attention on the box. 

I walked down the table anti clockwise, one, two, three and four. A man in a pale purple shirt and black tie sat there arguing with the man sitting next to him which gave me the chance to reach into the pocket of his jacket which was hung around the back of his chair, just like Kevin said. I felt the cold, heavy metal and took out the gun, quickly pulling it across my body and into the inside pocket of my coat. I picked up my pace a little and walked back out the room. 

Well done, now turn to your left and walk down that hallway, get to the end and take off your disguise and place it on the hooks inside room B3. Await further instructions.

I just wanted a minute to sit down and let my heart rate go down, but I was starting to think that I haven't even started yet. Now I was armed, and I think I'm armed for a reason. I made it down the corridor, everything was white, the walls, the clothing of everyone, the doors and the blinding lights which were starting to give me a headache. 

Room B3, I was here. I walked into the room to see another dentist style room like the one I was in when I met Daniel. The only difference was that the chair was black in this one. 

The Scorch Trials - completely different version :)Where stories live. Discover now