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Blackness, that's all that is on the other side of the door. And a stench, unlike anything I've ever smelt before, it was a thick smell. Maybe the cranks are out there, maybe that was why the door was locked, but that doesn't explain the silence. My heart pounds faster, making my vision cloud. This feeling reminds me of when I woke up in the box in the maze, the first time I went into the maze at night. The first time I learnt the mysterious girl knew my name. I wonder if she is going through the same thing, maybe her door is open and she is looking out into the black void as well. 

"Think we should go?" Winston whispers from my shoulder, making me shiver as his breath touches my neck, the cranks had stopped, that's what alarmed me the most but that is what tells me we are safe to go out there. 

"Yeah, I'll go first," I reply. I have this self-responsibility to check things out first, keep everyone safe. Maybe it's because I lead them out the maze, so anything that happens now is kind of on me. 

"Our hero." Minho huffs sarcastically, pushing me forward. My heart jumps as I am forced into the dark abyss. The air is thick as it carries the smell. I can't remember where the light switch was, I know it was somewhere on the left wall. I look over to where Teresa should be, where she left last night. Black. Either she is not awake or she is scared to come out. 

I have to get to the door before thinking of the lights, she might be in trouble and that's why she can't speak to me telepathically. I start towards the blackness in front of me. I bang into something, stepping backwards, I put my hands out in front of me, desperate to grasp whatever I've run into. It's soft and cold, probably hanging from the ceiling. 

"Someone get the lights!" I shout back, I'm eager to see what's right in front of me. I hear someone walk out as their feet tap against the wooden tiles. The off rhythm of the steps means it's Newt. 

"I'm sure it was over here." He calls from somewhere to my left. I touch the object again, running my hand up it for any clue as to what it is. It dips in, before dipping back out, a curve? 

The lights are on, I know this because everything goes white, I need to shut my eyes to let them get used to the immediate brightness. 

"What the...?" I hear Minho shout from the door, I turn around, that's when I see what is dangling from the ceiling.  

Searching the room, there is probably twenty, maybe more. Bodies. Dead bodies, their skin purple, their eyes open and alert, their slick tongues sticking out their mouths like eels. I was touching one of them, the curve I felt before being a woman's waist and hips. I lean over as I try not to gag. That's what the smell was. 

That's when I see the door. Her door. I stare at it in confusion, something's happened. Someone's here and It's not her.   

The Scorch Trials - completely different version :)Where stories live. Discover now