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     CARMEN GIGGLES AS she stares at Zach. His face is distorted into a pout, his bottom lip puckered as he latches onto her leg. Aurora seems to be having the same problem as Carmen, Jonah whining as Mark tries to pull her away.

"Jonah, I will be back," Aurora promises.

Zach on the other hand, wouldn't even consider Carmen's words. Instead, he decided to act like a toddler, and refuse to let go of her.

"Come on," Carmen pleads Zach. "I have to go, Zach. I'll be back tonight, and I promise I'll be fine."

"No," He states, tightening his hold on her as she tries to walk. "You have to stay here."

"You can't."

"But I want to go, too!" Zach and Jonah chorus simotaniously.

"You can't," Carmen repeats, almost falling as she tries to wiggle her leg free. "It's a girl's day."

"Then why does Mark get to go?" Jonah glowers. "I am at least three percent positive that he is, in fact, a guy."

"Because he always comes to the spa with me," Aurora laughs. "And besides, we need a break."

Neither of the boys got a chance to argue anymore, as Mark lifts Aurora from Jonah's grasp, and throws her over his shoulder with ease. Jonah groans in response, reaching out for her.

"NO!" Zach yells as Mark uses his other arm to pull Carmen away from him.

The two remained on the floor, still pouting as the girls exited the fast food resturant with assuring smiles. On the way out, they got a few weird looks from the strangers around them. In return, Aurora waved at each and every one of them until they reached the car. Mark slid into the driver's seat, while Carmen and Aurora took the backseat.

"Is anyone else coming with us?" Aurora asks, gesturing to the empty passenger seat of Mark's car.

Carmen, on the other hand, didn't bother on asking questions. She was too focused on the resturant they had just exited, and the boy she left behind.

"No," Mark answers. "I just figured Carmen wouldn't want to be by herself in the backseat."

Aurora nods, glancing at Carmen as she continues to stare out the window, seemingly oblivious to their conversation.

"Caramel," Aurora pokes her side.

"Yes?" Carmen turns to look at the girl, snapping out of her thoughts.

"Want to hear a joke?" Aurora questions, not waiting for an answer. "What did one orphan say to the other?"

From the front seat, Mark groaned, having heard the joke earlier on that morning.

"I don't know. What?"

"Robin, get in the batmobile," Aurora smiles upon hearing Carmen's laugh, of which Mark groans again.

"Don't tell me you've got a dark sense of humor too," He begs the girl, glancing through the rear-view mirror.

"I do," She grins. "It's probably not as Aurora's, but it's dark."

"No one can be as dark as her."


After a relaxing afternoon at the spa, Carmen found herself enjoying the newfound peace and quiet the small shop offered. It was definitely different from what she had normally experienced; being at the Why Don't We house with several loud teenage boys.

"So, Mark," Aurora says, eating the cucumber that was supposed to be on her left eye.
"How are things going with Elle?"

Carmen leans forward, tossing her phone aside.

A dazed look crosses over Mark's face as he leans back in his chair. "Things are going great. I know I've only known her for three days and everything, but I really like this girl."

"Well," Carmen says, propping her elbow up on Aurora's arm rest. "She really likes you too."

"Miss Daniels," Says a timid voice.

One of the workers then proceeds to tell her about the face mask removal, of which Carmen blocks out. At the moment, she's too conceived in the relentless text messages she receives from Zach.

The girls wash the face masks from their faces, before finally exiting the spa. But as they step from the door, it's then that Carmen notices the downpour of rain.

"I'M MELTING!" Aurora screeches as her makeup begins to drip from the rain. She then drags Carmen and Mark across the parking lot, screaming like a child.

After throwing themselves into the car, Aurora laughs like a mad man. Carmen groans, having had almost fell on the way inside.

Other than the sound of ragged breathing as Mark pulled out of the spa, and onto the road, was Carmen's voice.

"Want to hear a joke?"

"Of course I do, Caramel," Aurora says immediately.

"How many lawyers does it take to plaster a wall?"

"I don't know," Aurora replies, surprised as she hadn't heard the joke before.

"It depends on how hard you throw them."

"You two are sick," Mark mutters, turning on the radio in an attempt to block them out.

"I'm not sick," Aurora smirks. "I'm twisted. Sick makes it sound like there's a cure."


Aurora linked arms with Carmen as they walked up the driveway of the Why Don't We house, watching as Mark drove away.

But upon opening the door, troubles soon began. Aurora was yanked away, as well as Carmen being tackled to the floor by Zach.

She stares up at the dazed-looking boy, who placed his hands on either side of her face. "Never leave me like that again. Please."

"I'm sorry," Carmen frowns, staring up at his chocolate brown eyes. "I'll let you go next time."

"Okay," He smiles boyishly. "I'll hold that to you."

He then takes the chance to lean in, placing his lips on hers. Carmen giggles as he does so, of which he replies with a groan.


And then comes a voice from the living room, "NAP TIME!"


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