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     CARMEN STIRS HER coffee. Aurora steps into the room, grumbling around until she reaches the fridge. Zach raises an eyebrow across from Carmen, but neither question her actions.

"That bitch," Aurora mutters, causing Daniel to drop a frying pan.

He clutches a hand to his chest, and whirls around to face her with wide eyes. "When did you get in here?"

"Don't worry yourself about it."

Aurora smirks when walking over to the coffee pot, just as Jonah, Alex, and Corbyn stumble into the kitchen looking rather tired.

"Blondie!" Aurora yells, rushing to Corbyn. "You missed something major when you passed out last night. Feel my pockets."

Corbyn looks bewildered, but Alex nods encouragingly. "She asked everyone to last night. Just do it."

Realizing he was outnumbered on the topic, Corbyn felt one of her sweatpant pockets, his face scrunching up in wonder as he did so. "How are they so soft?"

"Hey, Aurora," Alex interrupts, picking Frederick up from the table. "Does your panda talk?"

Aurora smirks as everyone else shares glances. Carmen clears her throat lightly, covering her ears. "Yep. Just press his paw."

Carmen prepares herself next to Zach as the pterodactyl screech fills the room once again. Alex screams, dropping the panda immediately. Laughing, Aurora scoops the bear from the floor and cradles it to her chest.

"Awww, it's okay, Mummy's here." She coos to Frederick. "Did the loud lady scare you?"

Alex opens her mouth to retort, but is cut off by the sound of the front door opening.

"That must be Callie and Jack," Carmen mutters to Zach, placing her cup of coffee down as Aurora runs to the door.

"It's a murderer!" Aurora says. Her enthusiasm is gone, though, as she sees that it is Callie and Jack. "False alarm. It's just Poodle and Callie."

"Was she actually hoping for a murderer?" Zach mutters to Carmen.


The group of nine now stands, spread out along the beach as the sun reaches it's highest point. Jack, Corbyn, Alex, Callie, and Jonah rest upon the beach, while Carmen, Zach, Aurora, and Daniel rest in the water.

"I swear you're part mermaid or something," Daniel says as Aurora beats him at yet another race.

"I wish," Carmen and Aurora mutter simultaniously.

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