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( FANS )

     CARMEN STARES AT her phone. There were tons of comments, from what she noticed. Her notifications had blown up overnight, and it seemed that she had gained nearly fifteen thousand followers within the time that Zach had introduced her to the fans.

"Oh my goodness," Carmen murmers, glancing up to Zach. "This is crazy."

"Everyone loves you already," Zach smiles, scrolling through the many comments on the photo. "I told you so."

"They don't hate me," She says under her breath. "Wow. I expected them to hate me- I did take you away from them."

"Just because he's taken doesn't mean they'd hate you for it," Daniel states. "It's common sense, Carmen."

"Are you calling me stupid, Daniel?"

"Pshhh, no," Daniel waves a hand at her. "I'm just saying it's obvious. But your choice on dating Zach does kind of back that up, so . . . "

"Hey!" Zach glares.

"I think we should get going," Carmen says, glancing down at the time on her phone. "We need to get back before seven thirty, so we need to leave a bit early."

"Why do we need to be back by seven thirty?" Zach raises an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"Because "I Am Frankie" comes on at seven thirty," Carmen scoffs jokingly, grabbing his hand as she stands from her seat with Reese and Ryan in tow. "Duh."


The day passed by quickly after that, Carmen fitting in just right with the two children. She was just as persistent as they were when it came to getting ice cream, and finally begged Zach enough so that he would actually take them to the ice creamery in the Square.

And soon enough, the three found themselves packing their bags to head back to Los Angeles. Carmen couldn't believe how quickly the time had rushed by, even though it seemed to be so slow and delightful at the same time. She even found herself wanting to stay longer, as well as the whole family begging for them to stay another day.

"We have a Halloween party in two days," Zach told his family as they were packing their bags. "We have to be there. I just hope Aurora sent out the invitations like she told us she would."

"That's dangerous," Daniel had said under his breath. "There's no telling who she invited."

And before their departure for the airport, Mrs. Herron had caught Carmen as they were leaving, an expectant expression set upon her face.

"I believe I should get a hug, too," She had chuckled, pulling the girl into a tight and caring embrace. "Don't forget darling, you are a part of this family now. Be sure to visit again real soon, okay?"

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