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     CARMEN HOBBLES ON her own. The girl had only used them a few times, considering that Zach had carried her everywhere. But now that he wasn't by her side, it made her movements a lot more complicated. With a broken arm, she had to barely put weight onto her right crutch to steady herself.

But as Aurora was by her side, helping her along, she made it through the opening doors of Walmart. She crutches in with ease, something that surprises Aurora.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Carmen questions, stopping beside Aurora.

"Nothing in particular," She replies nonchalantly. "I just wanted to get out of the house. And I'm sure you wanted to."

Carmen nods as the girl grabs a shopping cart, and leads her down a random aisle. The aisle that just happened to be stocked with party supplies. Smiling at their luck, Aurora rushes through the empty aisle, and idea forming in her mind.

"We need streamers," She declares. "Lots of streamers. We have a big house to decorate, Caramel."

As she begins to throw multiple packages of red, orange, and black streamers into the cart, Carmen wanders down the aisle. Upon glancing over the many hair accessories, she snatches a pair of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse ear headbands, tossing them into the cart.

"Aurora," She calls out, rounding the corner with a mischievous glint in her eyes, and something in her hand.


"We need confetti poppers, don't you think?" The girl questions, holding one up.

"Hell yes!" Aurora shouts. "Get a lot of them."


"So how are things with Corbyn and Alex?" Carmen asks from her position in the shopping cart. "She hasn't visited in a while."

"I think Callie said she's moving away soon because she got accepted into some program, or something like that," Aurora explains. "So I'm assuming they've decided to remain friends, which would explain Blondie's mood these past few days."

Carmen opens her mouth to reply, of which Aurora cuts her off in excitement.

"Toys!" She yells, sprinting down an abandoned aisle. "Caramel, we need toys!"

"We do," Carmen agrees with a chuckle, allowing the girl to help her from the cart. "I'll let you be in charge of that while I go look at the Halloween candy over there."

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