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     CARMEN STARES AT her hands. Daniel munches on some salt and vinegar chips, his eyes on the television in front of the three. Zach, on the other hand, stares at Carmen in curiosity. Reign plays on the television, Prince Louis Condè making a grand appearance on the screen.

"Look Carmen, it's your husband!" Daniel chuckles, nudging the girl.

"Yep," Carmen mumbles, not glancing up. "Sure is."

"What's wrong?" Zach questions immediately, turning down the volume on the television. "Are you tired?"

By this time, the sunset had faded into darkness, and the clouds had disappeared in the night sky. Stars twinkled brightly around the full moon outside, of which Reese, Ryan, Mr. Herron, and Mrs. Herron had retreated to bed when they appeared. That left the three teens to the living room, flat-screen, and the kitchen.

"No, I'm not sleepy," Carmen assures him. "I'm just nervous about the reactions of your fans . . . What if they don't like me?"

"Once again, you're worrying over nothing," Daniel states, placing the bag of chips in her lap. "If it makes you happy, I'll upload the picture of you, Zach, and Zach's family on Instagram right now. Here, Zach- hand me your phone."

Before Zach's family had retreated to their bedrooms, Zach asked them for a group picture- something that they didn't hesitate to agree to. The boy didn't even have to incite Carmen into the picture, either. Mrs. Herron had immediately dragged the girl along, placing Zach next to her with a bright smile.

And after hesitant hours of uploading the picture, Zach finally felt as though his girlfriend should be ready for her introduction to the fanbase.

"I'm doing it," Zach says to Daniel, before looking back over to Carmen. "We can wait until tomorrow morning if you'd like. It doesn't have to be up tonight, we aren't in any kind of hurry."

Carmen understood that she was making a big deal out of this- she always found herself overreacting to everything. But it wasn't her fault. She just happened to be born with a mind that overthought everything and made her think twice about her choices. It sure didn't help that she procrastinated, too.

"No, I'll be fine," The girl sighs, sitting up a little straighter. "You should upload it. I'm just overthinking this, like I do with everything else."

Tapping away at his phone, Zach pauses, a wide smile on his face as he looks over to the love of his life.

"You are officially part of the band group. And now, everyone knows it." He murmers, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"I need a girlfriend," Daniel mumbles, sinking into the couch with a pout.

"Don't worry, Daniel," Carmen chuckles, placing the bag of chips back into his grip. "You'll always have your salt and vinegar chips."


"Carmen, wake up," Zach murmers, rubbing soothing circles on the girl's arm.

"No," The girl groans, rolling over to pull a pillow into her chest. "Can't I just sleep all day? I don't feel well."

"Well, I just wanted to say that breakfast is ready," He informs her with a grin, hopping up from the bed to slip a shirt on. "And mom might have been told that you like cinnamon rolls, and included those too."

"On second thought, I think I'm fine," Carmen sits up, shoving the blankets away from her. She pulls the hair tie from her wrist, and proceeds to tie her hair into a messy bun, before looking over to Zach. "Are we doing anything today?"

"Anything you want," Zach shrugs. "You'll have plenty of time to decide- we'll be in town all day. Mom and dad are letting Reese and Ryan go with us so you can bond with them."

"Well, in that case," Carmen smiles, tapping her chin. "I think we should do something fun."

"Like Aurora fun, or just regular fun?" The boy questions, grabbing her hands to pull her from the bed.

"Just regular fun," Carmen replies. "I don't think your parents would want us to get arrested, let alone with your siblings around."

"Did you have anything in mind?"

"Maybe Daniel does," Carmen shakes her head. "I'm not really sure."

"I heard my name," Daniel yawns, the bedroom door opening and closing as the boy enters. "What are we talking about?"

"We want to do something fun today, but Carmen doesn't know what she wants to do. Have any suggestions?"

"We should go shopping," He replies, rubbing at his eyes. "I've been wanting a new bomber jacket lately, and now seems like as good a time as any to do it."

"Is that okay with you?" Zach asks as Carmen wraps her arms around his waist and places her cheek to his chest.

"Yeah," Carmen nods. "I'm good with that."

"Okay. After breakfast, we'll grab Reese and Ryan and head into town," Zach finishes,  smiling down at Carmen. "C'mon, lets go."

Carmen nods, following Zach down the stairs and into the kitchen. The girl sighs in content as she is met with the smell of a pumpkin spice and vanilla Yankee Candle in the living room, before changing to the scent of bacon, pancakes, and cinnamon rolls in the kitchen.

"Carmen!" Reese pipes from the kitchen table, looking up from her plate of pancakes. "You should sit next to me!"

"Of course," Carmen nods, her heart warming quickly at the acceptance of the girl. She then proceeds to take the open spot to the right of Reese, thanking Mrs. Herron as the woman places a full plate and orange juice in front of her.

"I get the other spot," Ryan states, sliding quickly into the spot to Carmen's left.

"Where am I going to sit?" Zach questions, gaping at the three. "Why can't I be next to Carmen, anyway?"

"Because she's next to me, duh," Reese giggles, picking up a pieces of bacon. "Just sit across from us."

Zach sighs heavily, plopping down into the chair next to Daniel and his mother. Mrs. Herron glances over to Carmen after laying plates down in front of the boys.

"So, where do you all plan on going today?" She asks.

"Shopping," Daniel responds as Carmen begins to eat her cinnamon roll.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you make bomb cinnamon rolls," Carmen chuckles. "Sorry, Daniel, but Mrs. Herron has you beat."

"Mama," Mrs. Herron corrects her with a smile. "And thank you, I'm glad you like them."

"Wait, we're going shopping today?" Reese asks excitedly. "Ooh, dad, can I buy a dress?"

"Of course," Mr. Herron nods. "Zach, be sure to keep an eye on your brother and sister."

"I promise, they're in good hands," Zach assures them, staring down at his phone. "Hey Carmen?"

"Yeah?" The girl looks up from her food.

"I think you should check out the photo now."

"Why?" She furrows her eyebrows, grabbing her phone from the table.

"Because the picture got a lot of feedback . . . you might want to see this."


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