t w e n t y - s i x

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     CARMEN GRABS A tub of ice cream. Zach takes a seat next to hers as she grabs a spoon, and pulls the lid from the tub. Aurora marches in, a smile spreading across her lips as she gets to the refrigerator. After opening the door, she turns to Carmen.

"Hey Caramel," She says, closing the door. "Do you li-"

"THE FLOOR IS LAVA!" Daniel yells, cutting the girl off as he sprints into the kitchen.

Aurora scrambles onto the island immediately, and pushes Jack off to make room for a bewildered Carmen. She gives Jack a smile as he tumbles to the floor, gratefully taking his spot, and looking at Aurora.

"Was that really necessary?" Jack groans, rubbing his back.

Aurora shrugs unapologetically, taking a spoonful of her ice cream as she glances around at the others. Carmen does the same, a giggle leaving her lips.

Zach stares at her from a barstool as she laughs, the corner of his lips twitching up. Daniel and Jonah sit on the counter, both dangerously close to the soapy sink.

"Where's Corbyn?" Aurora asks, furrowing her eyebrows as she didn't catch sight of the boy.

"I'm right here."

They all look around, not seeming to find where the voice was coming from. Zach spots him before any of the others did.

"How did you get on top of the fridge?" Zach questions.

"I'm a ninja," Corbyn grins broadly. He jumps from the fridge, landing on his butt in the process.

"Smooth," Carmen comments, shaking her head as she chuckles.

Corbyn ignores the comment, laying back on the floor as he proceeds to mumble curse words to himself.

"So, Caramel," Aurora says, hoping to not be cut off again. "Do you like Chinese food?"

"Love it," She replies, nodding her head. "Why?"

"Because I'm craving some," Aurora explains, hopping down from the island. "Ask the others if they want to get some while I change, okay?"

She heads to the door, not waiting for a response. Jonah hops from the counter, speaking to her as he follows.

"So?" Carmen looks over to Zach expectantly. "Would you like to join us?"

"As if I'd let you go alone," Zach rolls his eyes, moving to stand between her legs. He rests his forehead on hers, their height matching. "Besides, why would I pass up quality time with you?"

"You tell me," She smiles, draping her arms over his shoulders. "I have to ask the others, though. Can you let me down?"

"Nah, I think I'd prefer for you to just stay," He grins, leaning closer.

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