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( BOOK )

     CARMEN MOVES AHEAD of the boys. With her eyes dead-set on the many book shelves of the store, a wide smile spreads across her lips. Zach's heart pounds as her eyes light up, that same familiar smile still setting butterflies off in his stomach.

Daniel nudges him, wiggling his eyebrows. Zach ignores the boy though, following Carmen with a smile of his own.

"Don't you already have that book?" Daniel questions as Carmen picks up a copy of The Fault In Our Stars. "That's the one that Zach blackmailed you with."

"I think I'm gonna get Zach a copy," Carmen chuckles. "He seemed to like it. But he has my copy at the moment, so . . . "

"I may already have a copy," Zach mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck as his cheeks heat up.

Daniel snorts, holding back his laughter. Carmen only grins, placing the book back on the shelf. "Okay, then. I wasn't expecting that, but I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to buy a copy other than mine."

"Where are we going after this?" Daniel asks Zach, checking the time on his phone as Carmen sits down at a table, reading the summary of a book she was drawn to.

"Wherever Carmen wants," Zach shrugs, his eyes on the girl.

"Why can't I choose?"

"Because I said so," Zach sticks his tongue out.

"Why do you guys have to argue so much?" Carmen rolls her eyes, poking Zach in the side. "We should be having fun, not arguing."

"Where do you want to go next?" Zach questions the girl, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Halloween Express, please," Carmen grins, before glancing down at the book in her hands. "Hold on, let me go pay for this really quick. Then we'll talk."

Carmen turns to the direction of the book store checkout, before walking away and leaving the two boys alone.

"Zach, go pay for her," Daniel rushes out, shoving Zach towards Carmen.


"It's something a good boyfriend would do, you idiot!" Daniel says. "And, by the way that cashier is eyeing Carmen, I think he sees something he likes."

Without another word, Zach stiffens, before moving quickly in front of Carmen.

"You know what?" Zach asks, pushing Carmen in Daniel's direction. "Why don't you and Daniel be discussing where you want to go next? I've got this."

"Sure," Carmen furrows her eyebrows, but nods, complying to his words. "Thanks."


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