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     CARMEN SMILES TO herself. Zach walks close by her side, still wary of her health as she heads for the house they left just days ago. After a long flight, the three arrived home before the sunset, all of them exhausted from the long plane ride.

"Oh look," Daniel points out. "The house is still standing."

"Shocking," Zach chuckles, pushing open the door for Carmen. "Is Aurora not here?"

"Welcome home!" Corbyn yells from the living room, not even bothering to check to see if the three were possible robbers. "We missed you all dearly."

"I'm sure you did," Carmen chimes, dumping her bag onto the couch. "Where are Aurora and Jonah?"

"Aurora is sick, so Jonah is taking care of her," He replies, sending her a smile. "Oh, and by the way, don't bother looking for any sort of blanket. Aurora has them all."

"Did she build a fort or something?" Daniel chuckles.

"No, she's just really cold."

"Well then," Zach snorts, snatching the remote from Corbyn's hand. "I'll be taking this. I want to watch-"

"HELLO TO ALL!" Callie greets the four, stepping into the living room from the kitchen. "Welcome back to earth, you little shits."

"Glad to know I'm loved," Daniel mutters, flopping onto the couch.

Jack sprints out of the kitchen, screeching as Dobby chases after him, barking wildly. "HELP, HE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Dobby!" Carmen gasps. "I've missed you!"

The puppy stops in his tracks, tilting his head to the side as he looks back to Carmen. Instead of chasing Jack, he trots over to the girl, and plops down on her feet with a satisfied bark.

"That dog scares me," Zach says, looking to the puppy. "I swear he eats people."

"He's not like that," Carmen rolls her eyes, picking up the small pug and cradling him in her arms. "He prefers cinnamon rolls over humans."

"Carmen?" Jonah shows his face, moving down the stairs. "Thank God, Aurora wants to see you. If you don't hurry, I'm pretty sure she's gonna bite me."

"She won't bite you," Carmen laughs, turning to follow him to his room. "She's not that vicious, you guys. You overreact like Zach- he's such a drama queen."

"She bit me three times this morning," Jonah gapes, pulling up his sleeve to reveal teeth marks indented in his arm. "And she tried to shove me down the stairs yesterday because I didn't want to watch Barbie with her."

"I'll do it!" Carmen rushes out, bursting through his bedroom door. "I'm home!"

"Finally," Aurora groans, looking to Carmen over a pile of blankets stacked on top of her. "I've been waiting for years, Carmen. I almost died. Jonah wouldn't take care of me properly."

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