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     CARMEN JUMPS FROM her seat. She had been waiting for nearly an hour with Daniel Skye by her side- waiting for Aurora to finally wake up from whatever transe she was in. The girl had fainted at the party, something that Jonah repeatedly blamed on himself.

As much as Carmen hated it, she had to leave Zach back at the party to keep an eye on things while she, Callie, Jack , and Jonah went to the hospital, with Daniel Skye joining them for an unknown reason. Zach had grumbled when Carmen told him, but complied with her words as long as she promised to keep a safe distance from the popstar.

The doctor steps forward, placing the clipboard on his side as he allows Aaron Carpenter, Callie, Jonah, Carmen, and Daniel to enter the hospital room where Aurora had finally awoken.

"Caramel!" Aurora exclaims, throwing her arms in the air from the hospital bed. She looks over to the nurse, gesturing to Carmen- who was still dressed in her Minnie Mouse Costume. "See? That's my Caramel."

Aurora's hair was frayed in every direction, pulled down out of its original ponytail.
She was still pale, but her skin tone seemed to be going back to its normal color. The girl was in an uncomfortable hospital gown, which Carmen felt bad about.

Aurora hurriedly stands up, stumbling over to the girl and collapsing into her arms. "You're like, really pretty," She slurrs, playing with a strand of Carmen's hair. "Way out of Heroin's league."

Carmen laughs, and Aurora's eyes squint at Daniel Skye in a scrutinizing manner. "You're not Heroin, but you and Caramel would have cute kids."

Carmen stops laughing, clearing her throat as she looks to the floor. Daniel only grins, crossing his arms over his chest. Daniel chuckles, watching as Jonah pulls Aurora into a close embrace.

"You had me so worried," He murmers into the girl's hair, his arms tightening around her. "I couldn't find you after you ran off to talk to Theo James, and the next thing I know I'm getting called by Aaron telling me you're in the hosp-"

"If you don't shut up, I'm going to punch you in the mouth," Aurora interrupts his rambling, looking up at him with lazy eyes as she pokes his cheek. "With my mouth, softly, because I love you."

Jonah furrows his eyebrows, looking to the nurse for an explanation to her loopiness.

"We did a routine check up and ran some tests," The nurse begins, looking between the teens. "She attempted to bite Dr. Nolan several times until he had her sedated. She has a mild concussion, and the flu. Although it seems to affect her more so than it does to others. We hooked her up to an IV and gave her a regular dose of antibiotics, but since one of the interns overestimated her weight, she received more than enough."

"You're really smart," Callie comments, taking a bite from the cup of jello in her hands.

"Hi Callie!" Aurora waves enthusiastically at the blonde. "Where's your Poodle?"

"I lost him in the cafeteria," Callie admits, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

Leaning back from Jonah, Aurora tugs the sleeve of the nurse's scrubs. "Guess what," She stage whispers loudly, pointing at Jonah.

"What?" She whispers back, equally dramatic.

"I'm gonna marry this boy one day," She grins, jumping back on the bed. "But shhh, don't tell him. It's a secret."

"Okay," She says, winking at Aurora. "I'm going to to finish your paperwork. Dr. Nolan will be in here shortly to check on you."


"How's my favorite feisty patient?" Dr. Nolan smiles, closing the door behind him and shooing Jonah away from Aurora's bedside to his dismay. "You look better."

"And you," She points a finger at him, poking his chest. "Look really hot. Like a younger version of McSteamy."

"This is certainly an improvement from when you tried to bite me," The doctor chuckles, grabbing a chart from the end of Aurora's bed. "Can you tell me why there is a crayon coloring of a dog on your stats chart?"

"Honestly," Callie begins, finishing another cup of jello, "I'm not even surprised anymore."

"There are a couple questions you need to answer," Dr. Nolan continues, disreguarding his previous question. "And I won't bother you again until we run you through another check up tomorrow morning."

Jonah huffs jealously, taking a seat beside Aurora on the bed. He wraps and arm around Aurora's waist, keeping his lips sealed.

Near the corner of the room, Carmen sleeps lightly, her head placed on Zach's shoulder- whom had arrived just a few minutes later. But as soon as he arrived, Carmen was out like a light. And Zach, who was exhausted from the party, fell asleep right after her.

"Are you allergic to any food or medicines?"

"I'm allergic to Heroin's overprotective ass," Aurora giggles. "But he's over there right now, I think he might be dead. Either way, we're good."

Dr. Nolan nods seriously, writing something down. Glancing up, he hesitates slightly before continuing on with his next question. "Is there any possibility you could be pregnant?"

"You heard the man," Aurora pokes Jonah's side with a sly grin. "Is there?"

"N-no," Jonah quickly stutters, a slight blush rising in his cheeks.

The doctor raises his eyebrows, giving Jonah a doubtful look. "Are you sure?"


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