Number? Hang out?

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The next day Justin gets up and gets ready for school. Justin goes outside and sees Raegan about to walk to school.

Justin: RAEGAN!?

Raegan turns around and sees Justin waving him over.

Raegan: Yea Justin?

Justin: Do you always walk to school?

Raegan: Only when my mom has work and she has work on certain days.

Justin: Oh ok do you want a ride when she has work? Like today?

Raegan: Wow Justin that's really sweet thank you!

Justin: No problem. Let's get going

They both get in the car and drive to school. While driving to school Justin has the urge to ask Raegan something.

Justin: Hey I forgot to ask you yesterday what's your number? Maybe we can hang? Only if you want to it's okay if you don't wanna. I don't want to.....

Raegan: Justin calm down *laughs a little* Yes of course you can have my number and we should totally hang I mean we are neighbors.

Justin: Ok!!

Raegan puts his number in Justin's phone and is so happy he asks for his number. Justin is also very happy secretly he gave him his number.

They get to school and they walk in together. Kids are shoving Justin but not Raegan. Raegan tells the kids to screw off. Justin is on the floor with his head down. Raegan sits with him and lifts up his chin. A tear slides down justins face. Raegan feels so bad and hugs Justin. Justin's feel's better and they talk to their lockers. Justin meets Jack and Kale and they go to class. After about 6th period Justin is walking to his 7th period class while someone comes from behind him and spins him around and punches him and then shoves him to the ground. Justin is now just laying on the ground bawling his eyes out and no one cares. Raegan saw the whole thing and runs over to him.

Raegan: Omg Justin I saw the whole thing are you okay?

Justin: N-n-no *crying*

Justin's head was down. Raegan picks up his head and his nose and check are bleeding. Raegan flips out and picks up Justin bridle style. Justin wraps his arms around Raegan neck and cries into his chest. Raegan brings him in the bathroom and sets him on the sink. Justin is still crying and Raegan feels so bad. He gets a paper towel, wets it, and washes Justin's face. Justin feels very comforted by Raegan.

Justin: Thank you Raegan. *still crying a little*

Raegan: Its no problem baby boy!

*Justin's mind* Did he just call me baby boy? Omg. He's so sweet.

Justin: Can we skip the rest of school today?

Raegan: Anything for you! Want me to stay with you.

Justin: Yes please ❤

Raegan: Ok let's go!

Justin: Can you carry me out to the car?

Raegan: Awww of course I love carrying you.

Raegan picks Justin up and Justin feels so loved. They get to the car and Raegan sets him down. They drive to Justin's house.

Hope you guys liked it. Should next chapter be cute like when they start dating????
•Samantha Sarno•

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