I'm so exited!

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The next morning Justin wakes up first because he was anxious about planning their wedding. He woke up Raegan.

Justin: Babyyyyyy!

Raegan: Yes Goodmorning to you too haha.

Justin:*giggles* let's go eat breakfast.

Raegan: Ok!

They go downstairs and Raegan is making pancakes and Justin goes up behind him and wraps his arms around Rae's waist. He jumps a little.

Raegan: Baby what if I dropped a pancake? 😂

Justin: Well you didn't so hug me back!

Raegan turns around and hugs Justin back. They kiss and Raegan continues to make the pancakes. He finishes and they eat and talk about the wedding.

Justin: Babe can you do me the biggest favor.

Raegan: Depends 😂

Justin: Did you finish the invitations yesterday

Raegan: Yes.

Justin: Can you go mail them now while I go on Amazon and order like table cloth and stuff for the furniture.

Raegan: Of course baby that sounds like an awesome idea. I'll go now!

Justin: Ok. Oh and one more thing....what color should the theme be fot the after party?

Raegan: Ummm....light blue?

Justin: Perfect. See you later. Be careful!

Raegan: Yes baby boy I'll text you!

Raegan walks the door and Justin blushes. He loves when Raegan calls him baby boy. (The feels I hate this 😂😭) He goes to the sitting room and goes on Amazon. He texts Raegan because he had another question.

Justin: Rae I have a question

Raegan: Ok go ahead. By the way I just got here.

Justin: Ok good and my question is, where is the party going to be? (The actually wedding is going to be at a the beach)

Raegan: Ummm...I don't know. Wanna just have it at our house? We have a big backyard. (They will tell people that after the wedding)

Justin: Oh baby that's an awesome idea. Thank you see ya soon.

Raegan: No problem Jay. Bye ❤

Justin goes back to Amazon and buys tablecloths, plates, napkins, all that stuff for the party after the wedding. And it was all light blue. It was beautiful. Justin was getting really excited! He couldn't wait now for Rae to get home. He watched tv while waiting and when he heard the door open he jumped up and jumped in Raegan's arms.

Raegan: Baby? You okay?

Jay let go of Raegan.

Justin: Yea. I just ordered all the stuff for the party and it got me really exited.

Raegan: Aww baby boy! That's adorable.

Justin cheeks got really red.

Raegan: I have good news.

Justin: What?

Raegan: My old friend from high school texted me before and I invited him to the wedding and party. He told me that we can borrow tables and chairs from him.

Justin: Omg that's awesome! That's so nice of him.

Raegan: Yes it is!! Want to go to the church and talk about our wedding and then we can come home and cuddle.

Justin: Good idea and Ok❤

They get in the car and drive to the church. They get out and go in. (I'm lazy so bare with me) They talk to the marriage officiant and talk to him about the wedding. They pay then and there so it's all set up. They gave him the date and when they will be there. Its at the beach once again.(Yup that was easy enough for me to explain 😂)
They go back home and they are both so tired. Justin lays on the couch and goes to sleep right away. Raegan watched tv and sees Justin sleeping soon after. He picks him up and brings him to the bed. He kisses his head. Before he falls asleep he wispers, "Soon I can call you mine and only mine forever."

Short chapter sorry. Just a little wedding planning. Please comment, should I have another conflict before the wedding or just have the wedding soon? Please also vote if you enjoyed!❤
•Samantha Sarno•

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