Wedding Day (Part 2)

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After there vows you know the man kept talking blah blah (😂😂idk what they say)

"Do you Justin Blake, Take Raegan beast to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him, and forsaking all others remain true to him as long as you both shall live?"

Justin: I Do

"Do you Raegan Beast take Justin Blake to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him, and forsaking all others remain true to him as long as you both shall live?"

Raegan: Yes I Do

"May we have the rings please!"

A man brings over the rings and gives them to the marriage official.

"These rings have no beginning and no end. They set forth the eternal nature of real love. They will represent the love and trust that Justin and Raegan promise to each other this day."

"Justin, take this ring and put it on Raegan's finger if you promise you will always love and care for him and you know you will never regret this decision."

Justin puts the ring on Raegan's finger!

"Raegan, Take this ring and put it on Justin's finger if you promise you will always love and care for him and you know you will never regret this decision."

Raegan has no hesitation and puts the ring on Justin's finger.

"I now pronounce you married. You may now kiss to seal your marriage."

Raegan leans in and kissed Justin and Justin wraps his arms around Raegan's neck. Everyone is cheering for them. The pull away from the kiss and turn to face the crowd. They both have the biggest smiles on their faces! They walk down the Isle and go into the room they started for a minute.

Justin: RAEGAN I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! OMG *starts crying and looking at his ring*

Raegan:*also starts crying* I know baby. I can't believe we are married.

Justin jumps onto Raegan and hugs him to tight. He then kisses him and they stop crying and go outside to see their family and friends.

Raegan: Hi mom Hi dad!

Rae's mom: Oh honey I'm so happy for you. I love you so much Can I see the ring?

Raegan puts out his hand and shows his mother the ring. She hugs him.

Raegan: I love you too mom!

Raegan walks toward his dad.

Rae's dad: Wow Raegan I've got to say. When you told me you two were dating I never knew it would come to this! But I'm very happy for you.

That made Raegan tear up because his dad was never the most supportive.

Raegan: Thank you dad. I love you.

Rae's dad: I love you too son.

Justin walks over to his mom and dad.

Justin: Mom! Dad! I can't believe it! I'm so happy. *shows them the ring*

Jay's mom: I'm so happy for you sweetheart. I love and support you so much!

Justin: Thank you mom and I love you too.

Jay's Dad: Same with me Jay. This one's definitely a keeper!

Raegan and his mom and dad come over and shake Justin's mom and dad's hand.

Rae's mom: Mr. And Mrs. Blake, I'm very happy to see our children and how far they have come! I think Justin is the perfect boy for my son!

Jay's mom: Us too Mr. And Mrs. Beast. Thank you.  Your son is such a nice boy and we think he's prefect for Justin!

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