Please! Please don't Go!

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The truck is all loaded up and Raegan and his mom are ready to leave. Justin's mom was fine with him going to the airport with Raegan and his mom and so was Raegan's mom. The whole ride they were both in the back and Justin had his head on Raegan's chest and Raegan was playing with Justin's hair. 45 minutes later they get there and Raegan is getting ready to get on the plane. Justin starts balling his eyes out and Raegan stated crying to Rae's mom left them alone until he got on the plane.

Raegan: Baby. I will visit soon I promise. I love you so much.

Justin: I l-l-love y-y....

Justin just hugged Raegan tight while crying and didn't want to let go.

Justin:....I love you too.

Raegan: Take this.

Raegan have Justin a little box with a note. He told him not to open it until Raegan was gone. Justin said okay.
Justin hugged Raegan one more time and said "Please. Please don't go"
They said their last goodbye's or "See you later's" and Raegan went off onto the plane. Justin knew he wasn't going to last long without seeing Raegan again. He knew he was going to visit but still.

Justin's mom picked him up they drove home. When Justin got home, first he opened the box. It had a ring in it. It was beautiful. It said Love around the diamond on it. Justin was crying at how beautiful it was.
Then came the note. It said:

"Justin, I know me moving was the most horrible thing I could do to you and I hate myself for that. I will always love you and our relationship will work because I will never stop loving you and I will never give up on you. I will try to visit every month or two. I hope that's okay. Please call or FaceTime me when you open this. Please never forget the even though there is distance, there is a boy madly in love with you somewhere and that boy is me! ❤
Oh and ps. I hope you like the ring. It shows that you are mine and always will be. When you wear it, know your mine! I love you ❤❤❤

Justin: (To himself) Omg *Crying hard* I can't believe this. This ring is beautiful and this note makes me want to just hug him. WHY DID HE HAVE TO LEAVE? I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THIS BOY! I JUST CAN'T!

Cutting warning:

Justin runs to the bathroom and gets his blade out from his hiding spot. He makes 3 cuts in his rist. Not that deep. He hates himself eithout Raehan. He rinses his arm and puts on a sweater because he is going to FaceTime Raegan and he doesn't want Raegan to see the cuts. He feels bad about not telling him.

Justin hits FaceTime on his phone for Raegan. Raegan answers after 3 rings. He is still on the plane.

Justin: Hi.....

Raegan: hi baby.

Justin: Thanks so much for the ring and note. That was really sweet.

Raegan: No problem. Are you okay?

Justin: Its just.....I......I feel like I'm worthless without you. I feel like I don't have a purpose.

Raegan: Oh Justin you are worth so much. You are so handsome and sweet and you don't need me for a purpose. You are your own person.

Justin starts crying. He can't help it. Raegan doesn't say anything. He cries a little himself.

After a little of awkward silence, Justin can't hold it in anymore.

Justin: Raegan?

Raegan: Yea?

Justin: I'm sorry.

Raegan: For what? What did You do?

Justin: I-i-i.....I cut *Justin shows Raegan the cuts*

Raegan: JUSTIN?? Are you okay I told you not to do anything stupid.


And Justin hangs up. He feels bad about yelling so he texts him.

Text below!
Justin: I'm sorry I yelled. Its not your fault. I'm just upset. Like really upset and yes I feel useless right now. I'll text you in the morning ❤❤

Raegan opened that message and just wanted to cry and die for making Justin feel like this.

Raegan: Yes please text me in the morning. I love you. ❤

After those few messages they both cried themselves to sleep that night thinking about all of it.

Im actually crying right now. This is so sad. I'm going to update tomorrow and a lot this weekend. Please comment and vote if you liked it!
•Samantha Sarno•

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