I'm here Don't worry. You're fine

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Raegan quickly runs with the nurse to Justin's room. He is on the bed he is just crying yelling for Raegan.


Raegan quickly runs over and hugs Justin. Justin gets scared because he didn't know it was Raegan at first.

Justin: Get off where is RAE-E-EGAN??

Raegan: Justin it's me Raegan see!! You're okay!!

Justin: Raegan I love you so much stay with me.

Raegan: I love you too. Can your mom, Kale, And Jack come in?

Justin: I guess sure.

Raegan: Ok be right back.

Justin: NO Don't leave me!

Raegan: Justin I'll be right back. I promise.

Justin: Ok!

Raegan was scared for Justin. He seems so scared now to leave Raegan' side. Well Raegan thought he had to be with Justin for a while now so he wouldn't get scared.

Raegan: Guys come on you can go see Justin now.

They all walk in. Justin's mom goes up to him and gives him a big hug.

Mom: Oh thank God your okay baby.

Justin: I'm okay mom. You should thank Raegan. If he wasn't there and as strong as he is, I would probably be dead.

Mom: Thank you so much Raegan.

Raegan: Oh it's no problem I really love your son ❤

Kale: How are you Justin?

Justin: I'm okay Kale thanks for asking.

Jack: I'm so glad your okay Justin. We would all be so broken if someone bad happened.

Raegan: Yea definitely.

Justin: Thank you guys so much. Raegan come lay with me please.

Raegan: Okay baby boy.

Mom: I think I'm gonna go back to work. You okay with that Raegan?

Raegan: Of course Miss. Blake. See you later

Mom: Bye boys.

Kale: Me and Jack gotta get home for dinner we will text you guys later.

Jack: Yea bye guys!

Justin and Raegan: Byeee❤

Justin and Raegan cuddle and fall asleep. An hour later a nurse comes in and wakes them up. She tells them they need to check Justin and after that he can go home. Raegan walks out of the room for a little so they can check Justin. The nurses come out with Justin 5 minutes later.

Nurse: He can go home now.

Raegan: Thank you.

They walk to the car. They go home. Raegan stays with Justin that night to make sure he doesn't get scared. He's been paranoid without him. Before they fall asleep....

Justin: Raegan?

Raegan: Yes Justin?

Justin: Will you ever leave me ?

Raegan: No Justin. Never.

Justin: Promise?

Raegan: Promise ❤

Justin: Ok goodnight Raegan I love you.

Raegan: I love you too my love goodnight.

Little of a short chapter sorry. Hope you liked it. Please comment and vote if you liked!
•Samantha Sarno•

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