Moving and New school

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Justin is moving to Maryland from Minnesota because his mom has a new job there. Justin was exited but also nervous. He was getting bullied very bad at his old school and he hated it. He didn't want to leave his friends but he wanted to leave the bullies.

He just got to his new house and he loves it. It's so big. His mom told him to unpack so that's what he is currently doing. He unpacked everything and he went to his closet and picked out clothes for his first day of school tomorrow. He was very tired so the plane ride and unpacking so he went to bed early like 10 o'clock pm.

Justin just got up and he is so tired. He  just rolled out of bed and got in the shower. After his shower he got dressed, did what he had to do, and got breakfast quick. He said goodbye to his mother and went to his car to his first day of school. He gets there and sees a lot of children walking everywhere. He felt so lost. Apparently kids knew he was coming and they knew he was trans and gay. He walked in and he was already getting pushed and called names.

He makes his way to the office trying not to cry. He gets in and gets his schedule and walks to his locker still getting shoved everywhere. He gets to his locker and two boys come up to him.

Kale: Hey are you the new kid?
Justin: Yes I am
Kale: Well welcome to this school, my name is Kale and this is Jack.
Jack: Hey
Justin: Thank you and my name is Justin.
Kale: Well Justin wanna be friends?
Justin: sure. So um are you guys dating?
Jack: Yes we are
Justin: aww that's so cute. I'm gay but single
Kale: thanks and that sucks 😂

Justin Kale and Jack all go to first period. Kale and Jack told them they wanted Justin to meet their other friend Raegan. Justin was very anxious to meet him. They told him they will meet him after school because they had no classes with him.  He was having a hard day with the bullying but it was Finally 8th period. Him, Jack, and Kale all meet at their lockers and they are going to Kakes house because Raegan will be there. Justin is excited but also scared!

First chapter!! Hope you liked it. I will continue uodating. plz comment and vote if you liked it! ❤❤ See you next chapter!
•Samantha Sarno•

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