I will never leave you!

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Raegan raced to the hospital and runs inside. He goes to talk to the lady at the front desk but the nurse takes his hand and rushes him to Justin's room. From down the hall Raegan can here him yelling his name. They reach his room.

Nurse: Go Raegan he needs you. He will only let you near him.

Raegan nods and runs into the room. Justin is screaming


Raegan runs to Justin's bed and sets the chair next to the bed.

Raegan: Baby baby it's me Raegan see.

Justin: R-raegan. Is that you? You promise.

Raegan: I promise babe it's Raegan. Open your eyes.

Justin slowly opens his eyes and sees Raegan and starts crying harder. Justin grabs Raegan's hand and pulls him in bed. Raegan cuddles Justin and Justin is still shaking. Raegan just plays with his hair and talks to him and calms him down. The nurse comes in sees how easily Justin calmed down when Raegan came.

Nurse: Wow Raegan. This boy really loves you. He calmed down as soon as you came to talk to him.

Raegan: Yea. I love him too.

Nurse: Well absolutely you came to see him everyday while he was here.

Raegan looks up at her and she was smiling and Raegan smiled back. Justin was asleep and the nurse told Raegan that Justin can leave tomorrow afternoon. Raegan nodded and the nurse left. Raegan fell asleep right after she left.
The next morning Justin woke up and started shaking. Raegan was turned away from Justin because during his sleep he wanted to be comfortable. He
turned around and hugged Justin. He calmed down right away. Justin looked up at Raegan and kissed him.

Raegan: I missed that

Justin: I missed you!

Raegan: I did too. I was so worried baby. You were in a Coma for 3 days. I came here everyday very early and talked to you and left late a night and just repeated that. I love you Justin I thought you left me.

Justin: Baby I know. I know you came everyday and I know you talked to me. You even held my hand. I heard all of it and I felt your touch. I just couldn't do anything. Move, talk, anything. But I appreciate you doing that for me. I love you and I will never leave you!

Raegan: Aww no problem baby anything for you. So you heard what I said the whole time?

Justin: Yes I did and I-it was the sweetest thing ever. I never thought anyone would ever what you said to me ever. I was like crying inside Raegan. You made me so happy.

Raegan: Omg baby I could have said more. I love and care for you so much I would do anything for you.

Justin hugs Raegan tight and it was so full of love. They ended up falling back asleep and they woke up to the nurse telling them they can go home. They got up and Raegan signed him out and before he walked out, someone called his name. Justin walked out because he didn't realize. He was looking through the window watching Raegan talk to the nurse.

Nurse: Raegan?

Raegan: Yes?

Nurse: I just want to say thank you. You made my job a whole lot easier by saying with Justin and calming him down when he panniced. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't know you would calm him down so easy.

Raegan: Omg no problem and Thank you too. If it wasn't for you calling me when he woke up and dragging me into the room when I got here, he wouldn't have calmed down and I would have been devistated if he got too scared and something happened.

Nurse: Oh dear no problem. You too Really love each other. It's so cute.

Raegan says thank you again and they hug. Justin was watching the whole thing outside and was confused. Raegan and the nurse said bye and Raegan walked out. Justin and Raegan got in the car.

Justin: What were you talking about and why did you hug her?

Justin looked kinda pissed.

Raegan: Oh no baby it's not like that. She's the one who I would talk to everyday when I came to see you and she promised me that she would call me if anything happened and she called me when you woke up and screaming for me. When I came I didn't when have to sign in, she just brought me to you and you calmed down. So I thanked her and she said we really lobed each other and I said yes of course and we just hugged.

Justin: Aww okay well I should have thanked her too haha

Raegan: She was a really sweet lady. But enough about her let's go home and cuddle.

Justin: Ok 😂

They drive home and Justin falls asleep in the car. They get home and Raegan goes to Justin's side of the car and tells him to wake up. He wakes up barely.

Justin: Carry me Rae.

Raegan: Haha okay❤

Rae picks him up and Justin puts his arms around his neck and legs around his wait. Rae brings him inside and sits on the couch and realised Jay fell asleep again on him. He sits on the couch and falls asleep soon to Justin's Small snoars.

AHH guys who thought this was cute 😂 I did and I wrote it 😂Aww. I Will update tomorrow. Please comment and vote if you liked ❤Love all you guys!!
•Samantha Sarno•

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