Please No!

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They wake up the next morning and Justin goes to the bathroom while Raegan goes on his phone. It's been about 10 minutes that Justin's been in the bathroom.

Raegan: Justin you alright?

Justin doesn't answer. Raegan runs to the bathroom and sees Justin passed out on the floor. Raegan thinks to himself, What do I do? The doctor told me to give him the medicine if he feels like passing out. What do I do now that he's actually. Raegan panics. He gets Justin and puts him in the car and drove to the hospital. They took Justin and checks him. A few minutes later they called Raegan into his room.

Doctor: Raegan?

Raegan: Yes? Is he okay?

Doctor: I'm afraid....

Raegan: What?

Doctor: I'm sorry Raegan but he lost his memory. There was a chance of this happening but we didn't think it would but it did....

Raegan: W-will he get it back?

Doctor: There is a 50% chance he will soon.

Raegan:.....*sighs* Ok I can I see him?

Doctor: Yes he's up. Try to have him remember some things.

Raegan walks into the room and sees Justin looking at him confused.

Justin: Who are you?

Raegan: Ummm....Justin, we are engaged.

Justin: What? No we aren't! I don't even know you.

Raegan: Look at your ring finger baby.

Justin waits a second and looks down at his finger. He sees the ring and plays with it. Raegan goes over to him and shows him some pictures of them together.

Justin: Wow! W-what happened?

Raegan: Long story short, you were shot because we got kidnapped and you passed out this morning and lost your memory.

Justin: Oh wow. I'm sorry...Whats your name?

Raegan: Raegan.

Justin: Oh ok.

Raegan looks down and says I love you Justin.

Justin: I....I-i.....

Raegan: Its okay I understand. Do you want to go home?

Justin: We live together?

Raegan: Yes. Come on lets go.

Raegan signs him out and they go to the car and drove home. They pull up to the house and go in.

Justin: Wow it's so pretty. Did you get his for us?

Raegan: Yes I did baby boy

Justin: Aww i like that name.

Raegan: Y-yea. You a-always d-did.

Raegan starts to tear up and he walks to the sitting room. Justin went up to him.

Justin: What's wrong?

Raegan: I feel like I lost you Justin. I love you so much and I know you love me too. Think about it p-please

Justin: I'm trying. I want to remember you I really do.

Raegan: Uhhh.....

Raegan falls asleep on the couch and Justin stays up and watched Tv. Raegan wakes up a little after and sees Justin watching tv. He can't help but want to kiss Justin. He sits up and leans toward Justin and kisses him quick.

Raegan: I-im sorry. We used to kiss all the time I'm just used to it.

Justin: I-its okay. It was nice I guess.

Raegan can't help but want to cry again. He asks Justin is he wants to go up to the bedroom and Justin agrees.

Justin: Do I sleep on the chair...or....?

Raegan: We usually sleep together. Do you want to?

Justin: I'm sorry Raegan can I sleep on the chair tonight? I don't feel comfortable.


Raegan goes into bed and Justin goes on the chair. Justin falls asleep quick and Raegan just cries himself to sleep. Justin wakes up to his faint crying and feels bad. He wants to remember him so much but he can't. He wanted to just cuddle Raegan but he just feel asleep again on the chair.

The next morning Raegan wakes up and sees Justin sleeping on the chair. He doesn't want to wake him up so he goes down to the kitchen and makes him breakfast. Justin wakes up soon after that and walks downstairs. His breakfast was ready.

Raegan: Goodmorning baby.

Justin: Goodmorning.

Justin goes up to him to kissed him. Raegan was hoping he got his memory back.

Raegan: Did you get your memory back?

Justin: N-no. I just thought it was right to kiss you.

Raegan: Oh....o-ok.

Justin: I'm sorry I don't remember Raegan what can I do?

Raegan: Nothing for right now I guess.

Time skip-two days!

Two days have passed and for those last two days, Raegan has been showing Justin everything. What the city looks like. Where they used to go. He even made a picnic for Justin like he did when he engaged.
The night of the day they had the picnic, Justin was about to go to sleep when Raegan kisses him. Justin kissed back and all of a sudden felt a spark he hasn't felt in the three days........

Cliffhanger sorry not sorry. I'll update soon. It's gonna be cute as frick. Please comment and vote if you liked it! 😘
•Samantha Sarno•

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