Honeymoon (part 1)

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(Honeymoons are very long so im just going to fit it in 2 chapters)

They get up very early the next day for their honeymoon! They decided to go to Hawaii! They both loved the beach so why not go there! They pack their things and drive to the Airport! They already had plane tickets. They wait with with their luggage until the plane is called. They both had 2 things of luggage each so they put that on the conveyor belt and they kept right them little bags that ha stuff like their phones, earbuds, and their laptops. The plane ride was very long so most of the time they slept but they also talked a little about what they were going to do. Justin fell asleep on Raegan's shoulder and Raegan fell asleep on Justin's head on his shoulder. (😂😂that was kinda confusing) They woke up about 10 minutes before the plane landed. When it did they got off, got their bags off the thing that gives you your bags 😂😂 and headed to the place they were staying. They got a taxi.

Justin: Oh Rae it's so beautiful here! We are going to have so much fun!

Raegan: Yes we are baby. I already have so much planned. And our hotel room has amazing view.

Justin: Yay!!

Justin looked so happy and that made Raegan even happier to see his husband happy!
The taxi arrived at the hotel.

Raegan: Thank you sir. *gives money*

Taxi guy: Any day sir see ya around. Have fun!

Justin: Thanks so much!

They go in and tell them their names. (They obviously already called and booked the room lol) The lady at the desk gave them their key and they went to their room. It was big. It had a nice big bathroom with a shower and big bathtub. It had a little room with a couch and tv when you walk in and Windows surrounding it. And a bedroom with a king size bed.

Raegan: Wow!

Justin: Wow is right. I love it. Look at the view! Omg Rae it's perfect!

Justin jumped into Raegan arms and they hugged tight.

Raegan: I'm glad. We are going to have so much fun!

They let go of the hug and decided to go swimming in the hotel pool! It was around 5 so they didn't want to go anywhere really that late so they would wait till tomorrow. They get ready and go down to the pool. (Both have top surgery) There was only one other person down there and it was a girl just tanning because it was hot out. They swam around for a while. Before they got out, Justin Jumped on Raegan and Raegan kissed Jay. Justin smiled and blushed but tried to hide it with his hands. Raegan pulls them away.

Raegan: Don't hide it Jay!

Justin: I get embarrassed.

Raegan: Don't be it's so cute 😊

Justin blushed again and they got out of the pool. They went back inside their room in the hotel and got ready to sleep. They got into bed and fell sleep instantly.

The next morning, they wake up and Raegan has an idea!

Raegan: Babe!? Wanna go Conoeing today?? It looks beautiful outside!

Justin: Of course baby that would be awesome.

They get ready and go down to a lake that you can use canoes. Like a public place. There were only a few people there and they didn't mind. They grabbed two canoes and went into the lake. They stayed right beside each other and paddled at the same speed and tempo.

Justin: This is cute!

Raegan: 😂 Yea it really is 😊

They canoe for a while and take beautiful pictures. After that they decided to go eat dinner somewhere. Raegan suggested a place and they went. It seemed expensive!

Justin: Rae this place seems Expensive.

Raegan: It it but it's really nice and on Me!

Justin: No! Rae, please let me a pay a little!?

Raegan: Nope sorry baby 🤣

Justin was very happy he had a man like Raegan. He was so polite and did anything to make Raegan happy.
Raegan ordered shrimp and Justin ordered Lobster! (Easy enough right 😂) They got their food and ate. They talked and laughed a lot! They finished eating and went back to the hotel.

Justin: Want to watch a movie?

Raegan: Sure what movie?

Justin: The little mermaid 😊

Raegan: Aww I love that movie okay!!!

They put it on in the sitting room and layed on the couch, cuddled, and watched the movie. By the time it ended Jay was asleep and Raegan was about to be. Rae carried Justin to the bed and layed him down and got next to him. Rae instantly fell asleep to Justin's touch!

Hey everyone! This chapter was kinda boring lol next one might be too because ya know it's their honeymoon I don't have good ideas! After the next chapter though it will get interesting! Then a sequel is coming! ❤Comment and vote
•Samantha Sarno•

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