Don't freak out please

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(Ok guys so I just read over my last four chapter and on the invitations it said the wedding is going to be at the Maryland beach but after that I wrote it's going to be at a church. So for real, the wedding is at the beach not a church. And the after party is at their house. I fixed in the chapter that said church. Thanks enjoy ❤)

The next day came quick. Justin woke up and went to the bathroom. He felt really bad about his body. He has had top surgery but he felt like he looked like a girl. He started crying a little and just sat on the ground. After a few minutes he went to bed. He was happy Raegan didn't wake up he would have been worried. He went back into bed and slept for another hour or two. He woke up again to Rae getting up.

Justin: Hey baby

Raegan: Hi babe what do you want to do today?

Justin: I don't know yet. Can I talk to you for a little.

Raegan: Of course. Lets go to the kitchen.

Raegan picks Justin up and Justin laughs

Justin: Rae why?

Raegan: Are you complaining? Want me to put you down.

Justin: please no 😂

Raegan: exactly.

They go down the stairs and Raegan sets Justin in a chair at the table

Justin: Thank you.

Raegan: Do you want to talk now or after breakfast?

Justin: After breakfast will be okay.

Raegan makes breakfast for him and Jay. They eat and Justin was silent. Raegan was a little worried. He always talk to him during breakfast. He didn't say anything because it looked like Jay was thinking. After breakfast they went to the sitting room. Rae put on some music low.

Raegan: Talk to me baby you seemed like you were thinking during breakfast.

Raegan sits right next to Justin.

Justin: Yea I was.....

Justin starts to tear up.

Raegan: Hey hey talk to me please don't cry what's wrong?

Justin: *crying* T-this morning I woke up early and went to the bathroom a-and cried a little because I looked in the mirror and s-saw a girl. I don't know why i-i just did. And it bothered me Rae.

Raegan: Oh baby you do not look like a girl at all. You've had top surgery and that made you even more handsome. Please don't be upset over that.

Justin: Raegan why do you love me? Your wronge! I do look like a girl. I look in the mirror and see a girl. Why would you wanna date a boy that looks like a girl?

Raegan: Jay you don't look like a girl I promise you. And I love you because your handsome, your personality is amazing, and your honestly one of funniest and sweetest guys I've ever met. Even if you did look like a girl which you don't, I would still love you.

Justin's breath starts to speed up. He runs to the bathroom and locks the door. He looks in the mirror and sees his old self. Raegan goes to the door and tries to open it but it's locked. He can hear Justin crying hard.

Raegan: Baby please YOU DON'T LOOK LIKE GIRL!


Justin punches the mirror and it breaks. He falls to the ground as starts shaking. He slowly moves to the door and unlocks it. Raegan runs in and sees him on the floor. He picks him up and gets him out of the bathroom because there was glass everywhere. He sits on the couch and puts Jay on his lap facing him.

Raegan: Jay please calm down. Look at me. Look at me now!

Justin: I-i-i........*crying and shaking*

Raegan: please please I know you can calm down for me.

Raegan hugs Justin and his shaking starts to go away. Rae pulls away and kisses Justin. Justin hugs him again and calms down after a little.

Justin: I-im sorry R-rae. I'm such a disgrace.

Raegan: Baby please no your not. I understand I used to be like this. But you shouldn't because I see no girl in you at all baby boy.

Raegan hugs him again and Jay hold Raegan's shirt and puts his face in his shoulder.

Justin: I-im just so weak Rae. I shouldn't have had a panic attack. I should have talked to you but I didn't. I just tried to run away from my problem and it turned to this. I'm not strong enough to handle this.

Raegan: Justin look at me.

Justin picks his head up and looks directly at Rae.

Raegan: You are not a disgrace, you are not weak, you are strong enough to handle this I promise. That's also why I'm here. I'm here to protect you and make sure you feel safe. I love uou so much Jay. You mean so much to me. I'm not just saying all of this so it makes you feel better I'm saying this because you need to hear the truth. You just can't see it. But it's there. I see it baby.

Justin: I-i love you so much too Raegan.

They go back upstairs and lay down and watch tv. Justin was so grateful he had Rae. Raegan was there to protect him and keep him safe. And to love him and  make sure he never felt unloved. He cuddled up close to Raegan and Raegan kissed his head and they both ended up falling back asleep.

Guys I'm sorry this chapter was depressing but I thought it was an interesting conflict. The wedding is coming soon I promise. Its gonna be so cute. Please comment and vote if you enjoyed 💙
•Samantha Sarno•

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