Honeymoon (Part 2)

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The next few days they Just went to the beach and went canoeing a couple more times.  They conoed at night most of the time because it was so beautiful out! When they went to the beach they layed on the sand and went in the water and played around.  (not like that 😂😉)  They went for dinner mostly overnight but not expensive places. Mostly fast-food or dinners.
The last day they were there they decided to go scuba diving. Neither have them have ever so they wanted to. They went to a place to buy the stuff to use. (Idk what you have to get or where you get it but yea 👌😂) They went to the ocean and only a few people were in the water just hanging. They went into the water and put the oxygen tank thing on (I'm so clueless as you can tell when it comes to this 😂) and put the mouth piece in their mouths. They put tbe flippers on. They went underwater and started swimming and going deeper in the water. It was so pretty. They were holding hands the whole time. The water so beautiful and  fish swam around them and it made it seem like they were meant to do this. Raegan squeezed Justin's hand and Justin looked at him. He let go of Jay's hand and stopped swimming. He put up a heart with his hands in the water. ♡ Justin smiled and did the same back. They intertwined their fingers again and continued swimming. After about an hour or so they were back at where they started and took off all their gear and stuff they were wearing and put regular clothes on in the changing room where the bathroom was. They headed back to the hotel. They got back and they were hungry. They ordered room service and while they waited they talked.

Justin: Rae that was amazing. I've never done anything like that before and it felt awesome. I'm glad I could do it with you too.

Justin walked over to Rae and sat on his lap and hugged him. While the hug was still happening, Raegan spoke.

Raegan: Same with me baby boy. I feel like it was meant to happen and for us to do it together. I couldn't wish for a better day with anyone else.

When Rae let go of the hug Justin had a tear on his cheek. Raegan wiped it away and smiled. Justin smiled back and kissed him. Just then their was a knock at the door. Justin got scared and was clinging on go Rae.

Raegan: Baby it's probably our room service. It's okay your fine I got you.

Justin let go and walked away from the door.

Justin: Go check please.

Rae went to the door and looked through the peep whole and it was the man with their room service.

Raegan: It is Jay.

He opened the door and the man handed him their food. He put it on the table and handed the man the money with some tip. They thanked each other and the man walked out the door.

Raegan: You wanna come over here and eat or just stand there across the room?

Justin gave him a "Very funny" look and walled to the table. They ate and went to bed.
The next morning it was time to leave. They packed their stuff quick and went to the Airport early. They had so much fun they wish they could stay but their home is in Maryland! They got on the plane and played on their laptops and phones. Justin made a few musical.lys with Rae in them. They were very cute. They both ended up falling asleep from being bored. They were awaken to the flight attendant telling them the plane just landed. They got off and got their bags. They called a taxi and it came and brought them to their house. Justin ran in the house, put it bags down, And jumped around.

Raegan: You doofus what are you doing? Haha

Justin: I missed our home Rae. I missed Maryland. I loved Hawaii but this is where we belong.

Justin jumped on Rae and he almost fell because he wasn't expecting it.

Justin: Sorry babe haha

Raegan: Dont worry Baby 😂 And your right it's good to be home!

They kiss and spend the rest of the day swimming and having a nice lunch.

Their you go guys next chapter and maybe one or two more! After that their will be a sequel and I will start it right away. Hope you guys liked. Next chapter will be a little surprise. Please comment and vote. Thanks bb's! ❤
•Samantha Sarno•

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