Please wake up!

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Raegan and the ambulance get to the hosptal quick and they bring Justin in the hospital on a stretcher and to a room. Raegan rushes in and wants to see Justin right away but the lady at the desk tells him he has to wait. Raegan sits down and thinks about Justin. Why the fuck won't Joe give up? Why did he hurt Justin? Why didn't he hurt me?
Raegan was in his thoughts when the nurse tells him they need to talk. She brings him outside Justin's room.

Nurse: Justin is still asleep but he is in a coma Raegan. I'm so sorry.

Raegan: *Starts crying* C-can I see him.

Nurse: Yes of course dear.

Raegan walks in and sees Justin laying there. He looks helpless just laying there. He goes up to him and pulls up a chair and sits down next to the bed. He holds Justin's hand.

Raegan:*crying* I-i love you so much. Please you can't leave me. I-i know y-your in a coma but please you need to wake up soon. For me. The love of your life. I can't live without you. We need to plan the rest of our wedding. I want to be able to say that I'm married to Justin drew Blake. But after our wedding, Justin drew Beast.

After Raegan said that he bursted into tears.

*Justin's mind* R-raegan? Raegan I can hear you. Why can't I see? Or why can't you hear me? Am I even talking? RAEGAN I LOVE YOU TOO! What's going on?

Raegan: I am going to stay with you okay baby..........I-i love you Justin you are my everything, my world, my universe, your like 3/4ths of my heart Justin. I hate seeing you like this.

Raegan leans back in the chair and let's go of Justin hand. He was just about to fall asleep when the nurse came in.

Nurse: Raegan you can go home and sleep we will call you if anything happens dear. We don't want you to stress too much he will be okay.

Raegan: O-ok. Please call me if anything happens I will be here first thing in the morning.

Nurse: Of course.

Raegan drives home and lays on their bed. He hates it. Justin isn't there and he hates it. He can't fall alseep he just keeps thinking
He eventually falls asleep at 3:00 am and gets up at 9. As soon as he wakes up he drives to the hospital. He checks in and goes to Justin's room. He sees the nurse.

Nurse: Hello sweetheart. He is doing okay, still in a coma though. We are hoping only until tomorrow night. You can go see him.

Raegan: Oh thank god and Thank you

Raegan goes in and sits next to Justin once again and hold his hand and talks to him. Justin can hear everything he just can't see or talk. He can't even move. He wants to open his eyes to bad and see Raegan and tell him everything is okay. He can hear the pain in his voice as he talks to Justin.

Raegan: Baby the nurse told me you might be out of this coma by tomorrow night. I really hope so I miss you so much. I know you there with me right now but it's just not you. I hope you can hear me because honestly if this was anyone else, I wouldn't have said all those things. I just love you so much I really need you to wake up.

*Justin mind* I love you too Raegan. I want to wake up I really do. I wanna see your face, I wanna kiss you and cuddle you. I wanna tell you how much I love you. You are my everything too.

Before Raegan even knew it, it was getting late.

Raegan: Bye nurse I'll see you tomorrow. Again please call me if anything happens.

Nurse: Ok and yes I will. Bye Raegan.

Raegan goes home and eats some late dinner and goes to bed but again it was hard. He fell asleep very late again. And once again be went to the hospital very early. And once again he saw the nurse.

Raegan: Hi Nurse.

Nurse: Hello Raegan.

Raegan walks in and like he has been everyday, he talks to Justin and Justin can hear everything but can't say anything back.

Little time skip

It was already night time and Raegan was hoping Justin was going to get out of his coma. But he didn't. It was time for him to go home.

Nurse: I'm sorry I got your hops up Raegan but I'll call you if anything happens. If not see you tomorrow.

Raegan: Thank you nurse I appreciate it.

Raegan goes home and goes right to bed so tomorrow can come sooner so he can see Justin.
During the night Raegan gets a call. It was around 4:00 am. He wakes upand and looks at his phone and his eyes adjust to the light and he answers it.

Raegan: H-hello?

Lady on phone(nurse): Reagan, Justin just woke up and is calling for you. Please hurry he's yelling for you.

Raegan: I-ill be right there.

Raegan rushes to the hospital.

Hope you guys liked. Next chapter is going to be really cute 😂Just a little warning. Please comment and vote if you enjoyed this chapter ❤
•Samantha Sarno•

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