Pool day!

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Raegan woke up first and immediately wanted to stay in the pool all day. He got up before Justin and went outside. It was so hot. It seemed like 90°. Raegan went to go feel the pool and it felt so nice and he knew Justin would want stay in the pool all day and have a nice lunch outside.
Justin got up and Raegan wasn't there. He starts to panic. What if he just left him? What if he doesn't want to be with him anymore? All those thought went though Justin's head and he started screaming for Raegan. He couldn't break good.


It was a big house but Raegan could barely hear Justin. He knew what was going on. He ran upstairs as fast as he could. He saw Justin curled in a ball with his eyes closed crying still yelling for Raegan. Raegan went up to Justin and sat him on his lap. He hugged Justin tight and kept whispering in his ear "It's okay! I'm right here." Justin cried into his shoulder because he really didn't know what was going on. After a little he took his head off of Raegan's shoulder and came face to face with him.

Raegan: You okay baby?

Justin: Y-yea.

Raegan: What was wrong baby? I only went to go out to the pool.

Justin: I don't know. I just got scared like you left me. Like you wouldnt come back. It just scares me when I think of that.

Justin hugs Raegan very tight like he was going to leave or something.

Raegan: Baby look at me.

Justin looks at Raegan with his red puffy eyes from crying.

Raegan: You don't ever need to worry about that. I'm never going to leave. And if I do it's only for a little but I will always come back. I would never leave you babe I love you.

Justin: I love you too baby.

Raegan: Now, Wanna have a pool day? We can stay in the pool all day and have a nice lunch after.

Justin: Yes please that would be fun!

They get dressed into their swimming attire.(😂😂what?) They walk downstairs and out the back door to the pool. If was so beautiful. The water water was so blue and the su made it sparkle.
Justin goes down one step and thinks it cold. On the other hand, Raegan jumps right I'm yelling "cannonball!!!" Justin laughs to hard.

Raegan: What are you laughing at chicken.

Justin: Hey! I am not a chicken. It's cold.

Raegan: Not when you jump in right away. I'm already warm

Justin: Nah. I'd rather...

Before he finished his sentence, Raegan pulls his arm and yanks him in the pool.

Justin: HEY! I-its so c-c-cold. Are you c-crazy?

Raegan: Haha! Yes actually and just wait a little it will get warm.

They swim around Justin eventually gets warm. They play a few games and get out to eat some lunch. They eat on the table outside next to the pool. They both eat turkey and cheese sandwiches with chips.

Justin: That was so good. Time to go back in the pool.

Justin runs to the pool but Raegan yanks his arm.

Raegan: Hey you gotta wait 10 minutes before going back in the pool or your going to get cramps 😂😂

Justin: Yea right that's a mith.

And Justin jumps right in and swims around.

Raegan: Whatever you say I'm waiting.

10 minutes later, Raegan is about to go in the pool and when Justin gets out.

Justin: My stomach hurts.

Raegan: Haha. What did I tell you?

Justin: Can you please get me some medicine baby?

Raegan: Of course. Sit down I'll be right back.

Raegan comes back out with the medicine. Justin looks like he's in a lot of pain.

Raegan: Here baby. You okay?

Justin: Thank you and yea my stomach just feel weird.

Raegan: It will get better I'm going in the pool.

Raegan jumps in the pool and Justin laughs but it makes his stomach hurt more.

Justin: Baby don't make me laugh 😂😂 It makes my stomach hurt.

Raegan: Sorry baby. I'm a funny guy so I guess you gotta look away.

Justin: I could never not look at your handsome face.

Raegan: That's true. Okay I'll stop being funny.

Justin: 😂😂

After a little while Justin's stomach feels better and Raegan was relaxing in the pool with his eyes closed. Justin sneaks up next to the pool and jumps in right near Raegan without warning Raegan.

Justin: Boo! I'm back bitch 😂

Raegan: Jeez. You scared me 😂

Justin: That was the point!

They swim around and play Marco pollo and they through a ball around.

Justin: We are such children 😂

Raegan: Yea so what be proud.

Justin: Oh I am 😂😂

They swim around for a while until they have had enough. They try off and inside and watch a movie. "Tangled" to be exact.

Justin: Ok now we really are children we are watching tangled 😂

Raegan: Oh come on this is the best movie ever.

Justin: True!

They watch the movie and fall asleep cuddled up on the couch.

Cute chapter I thought lol. Hope you enjoyed. Please comment and vote if you liked it! Ill keep updating!
•Samantha Sarno•

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