Party? Cheating?

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The next morning came quick. As soon as they woke up they both got a text saying that there is a party down the street at 6:00 tonight.

Justin: Wanna go?

Raegan: Sure why not. What do you want to do in the mean time? ( it was 12:00)

Justin: Park for a little?

Raegan: Sure let's go.

They drive to the park and sit on the swings.

Raegan: Please be careful at that party. I've had bad experiences at parties.

Justin: I'll be careful Baby it's okay.

Raegan: Ok.

They stay there for a hour and talk. Then they go back home. They watch movies until the party.

Now it's almost 6:00 and they are on their way to the party. It took 5 minutes to get there. They got there at 6:05 and there were already cars lined up the street. They walk inside and kids are already drunk. Everyone was walking around and some were falling from being so drunk.

Raegan: Want a drink baby?

Justin: No I'm okay. I'm going to walk around don't get drunk please.

Raegan: Aww your no fun but okay. Be careful.

Justin walks around the house. It's really big. There are so many kids Justin has to squeeze through places to explore the rest of the house. Some boy pushes him into a room and shuts the door.

Justin: What are you doing? Let me out!

Boy: Your really hot. Wanna have some "fun?"

Justin: What no I have a boyfriend.

Boy: I don't care get on the bed!

Justin: No! Let me o.....

The boys pushed Justin on the bed and gets on top of him. Justin tries to get out of the boys grip. He is bigger and stronger like Raegan. RAEGAN! Justin doesn't want Raegan to think he's cheating. The boy kisses him and down his neck. Justin squirms but there is no use. He cant help but moan a little. The boy tugs at his pants.

Justin: Don't you dare asshole.

Boy: Awwwe come on baby boy you like it. I heard that moan.....

Raegan decided to go check to see where Justin was. He walks all around but can't find. He looks in every room. The last room he looks in is the one Justin was in. He walked in and saw Justin on the bed and the boy on top of him grinding Justin and kissing him. Raegan was too far to see Justin wasn't kissing back. Raegan starts crying.

Raegan: J-justin?

Justin shoves the boy off hard and sits up.

Justin: NO, NO, NO! Baby please it's not what is looks like.

Raegan is still crying.

Raegan: Who is this boy? AND WHY ARE YOU CHEATING?

Justin: Its just a random boy that pushes me in here and kept kissing me. I couldn't get out of his grip. Please Raegan.

Boy: Oh bullshit. You loved what we did *wink*

Boy: Are you the boyfriend? Man, doesn't seem like Justin loves you anymore.

Raegan runs out of the house and runs home.

Justin: Are you fucking stupid. I hate you.

Justin runs out to find Raegan. He knew he ran home. He takes the car home quick. He runs in the house and hears Raegan balling his eyes out. Justin runs upstairs. Raegan was in the bathroom.

Justin: Raegan please let me in.


Justin: Baby please I didn't cheat.

Raegan opens the door and walks out to the bed. Justin sees 2 cuts on his arms.


Raegan: Yes. Why do you care? You don't love me anymore so why don't I just die.

Justin: I do love you. Please you can't believe him. He pushed me in the room and I couldn't get out of his grip. He was too strong like you. You know I can never get out of your grip. Please Raegan I love you and only you.


Justin hugs Raegan but Raegan is weak.

Justin: Please. Hug me.

Raegan hugs back and Justin kisses him. He kisses back. Justin goes rough and so does Raegan. They make out for a while and get ready for bed.

Raegan: I love you too.

They lay down and watch tv.

Justin: Raegan?

Raegan: Yea Justin?

Justin: Your not mad? You believe me.

Raegan: Of course I believe you I just panniced when I saw him on top of you and he was kissing you. I felt worthless like I didn't want to live anymore. I can't loose you.

Justin: I love you so much I would never cheat I promise. I'm sorry*A tear slides down his face*

Raegan: Please don't cry. It's not your fault and I know you wouldn't cheat. I love you get some sleep.

Justin: I love you too goodnight.

800 words that's good lol. This was a good chapter I think. I couldn't bare to keep Raegan mad at Justin long as you can tell. Please comment and vote if you liked. Update(s) tomorrow!
•Samantha Sarno•

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