Why does this happen?

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Next morning they both wake up at the same time and stare into each other's eyes.

Raegan: Your green eyes are so beautiful.

Justin: Thank you. So are your brown eyes 😂

Raegan: Haha thank you baby.

They get up and shower and get ready for the day. Justin thought it would be a good idea to make invitations to their wedding day which they wanted to come soon.

Justin: Babe, want to make the invitations for our wedding?

Raegan: Oh that's a great idea!

Justin: Ok. Lets design them and then we can make some other plans.

Raegan: Ok perfect.

They design the invitations and by the time they are done, this is what it looks like!

Please be here for our special day!
Justin Blake and Raegan Beast!
Our wedding day!
So we can spend the rest of our life together.

And then the rest says,

Date: July 30, 2017. (say it's the real date now, *June 27*)
Where: The Maryland Beach!
Time: 1:00 pm
Please come and support us on this special day!

(And obviously it's more decorative 😂 like with colors and stuff)

Raegan: Baby this is perfect!

Justin: I know right we did good 😂

Raegan: Do you want to go to a restaurant and make a reservation for food while I mail all of these?

Justin: Sure and as it gets closer we can go to the store and buy other things so it looks pretty 😂

Raegan: Yes of course.

Justin: You suee you don't mind  mailing all of them because there is a lot and it's going to be annoying.

Raegan: No don't worry baby it's okay you go I'll be fine.

Justin: Ok I'll text you later don't forget all our family members and other friends

Raegan: Yes sir bye now.

Justin: Haha bye.

Justin goes out to his car and drives to a really good restaurant he knows of called Ashley and Johns! (Made it up 😂) He orders all the food for that day after the wedding and he made sure it  was enough for everyone.
He goes to Taco Bell for him and Raegan because they haven't eaten yet. He decided to go in because it's easier. He walks in and orders the food for him and Raegan and waits. He was the only one in there and as he was waiting two men go up to him and pick him up. He tries to squirm out of their grip but it was no use. He kept screaming "Who are you guys?" and "let me go!" They took him to their car and handcuffed him. He tried to scream but they said they would shoot him if he tired to. He still had his phone in his pocket. They didn't take it thank God.
20 minutes later that arrive at an big building. It looked like a house but no one has lived in it for 50 years. They took him inside and set him down on an old chair and tied him down and took his handcuffs off. His arm were free but he couldn't untie the rope. It was too strong. The men left the room and Justin took his phone out and texted Raegan quick.

Justin to Raegan: Raegan don't ask any questions don't even text me back just come to this address (*address where he is*) quick and call the cops. Some men kidnapped me so come quick! If anything happens I love you.

After that he put his phone away quick and the men came back in the room.

Justin: Who are you guys?

Man: None of your dann business now shut the fuck up. We will be right back with our boss.

Justin just sat there and hopped Raegan got the text.

Meanwhile Raegan was at home worried about Justin. He was wondering where he is, when he got the text. He read it and panniced. He got in his car, called the cops and told them to go to the address because his Fiance was kidnapped. The cops said they will be there soon. Raegan raced to the address as well.

The men came back in and who was that them? JOE!


Joe: How are you still going to love Raegan when he is dead?

Justin: You wouldn't dare.

Joe: Yes I would. But first I'm going to hurt you. Well not me, those two men that thought you here.

He tells them to hurt Justin and they stated punching his face and kicking his legs. Then Joe brought a knife and threw it at one of the men. He started cutting Justin's legs and face. He was loosing a lot of blood. Soon he passed out.
Soon after that the cops came in and busted in the house telling them to surrender. They all put their hands up and they were arrested. Raegan ran in to the room where Justin was and saw him passed our with blood everywhere. Raegan untied him and picked him up crying his eyes out. He brought him to the cops and he was put in an ambulance and brought to the hospital. Raegan was right behind the ambulance driving to the hospital.

I'll update again today everyone. Hope you liked it. Please comment and vote if you enjoyed it ❤
•Samantha Sarno•

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