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"That was so embarrassing," J-Hope said.

"Add the fact that we barged in girl's room," Jin added.

"Don't you guys recognize that girl?" Jimin suddenly stated.

"Which one?" J-Hope asked.

"You guys remember @missantibangtan?" Jimin asked

"Yeah... why?" Jin asked.

"The older sister's her," Jimin stated, catching Jungkook's attention.

"What?" Jungkook blurted out.

"I said-"Jimin was cut off when V and RapMon barged in.

"Dinner time!" V announced happily, dragging Jungkook out of the room.

"Aish! Kim Taehyung," Jimin muttered.


"This is so not happening! Jungkook! Don't go! Please?!" Sungrin begged as she back-hugged Jungkook.

"Get off,"Jungkook said coldly.

"Tell me you'll come back for me. Tell me that you still love me, then I'll let go," Sungrin tightened her grip on Jungkook's waist.

"I...I don't," Jungkook said as he removed Sungrin's hands from him, walking towards the van waiting for him.


Sungrin tiptoed from bed and tried to turn Shil's phone, which is playing too much BTS songs in the middle of the night.

"Don't you dare!" Lee Shil grabbed Lee Sungrin's wrist, stopping her from touching her phone.

"You're still awake? Aish!"

"Don't touch my phone."

"I need to sleep, you know."

"You still owe me a favor," Shil said.

"Then tell me now. Tch. I've been waiting for it. I'm so excited, I could die," Sungrin said sarcastically.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. But for now, wait for me to fall asleep completely before you turn off the music."

"Aish! Can't you just wear earphones?"

"I don't want to," Shil said, sticking out her tongue.

"Why are you so stubborn?!"

"Because I was born this way."

"Aish! You little! Whatever!" Sungrin paced towards the entrance of the mini veranda.

"Ya! I'm freezing here! Close the door!" Shil called.

"I don't care!" Sungrin rolled her eyes as she slammed the door of the veranda. "Tch. Spoiled br-" she paused when she heard a familiar voice just a few meters away from the veranda she's standing.

"We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore

Like we used to do oh
We don't love anymore
What was all it for?

Oh, we don't talk anymore
Like we used to do..."

Jungkook's POV

Sigh. "Why am I still feeling this way Lee Sungrin?" I muttered while scrolling some of our past photos. I wish I could go back to the time when we were as happy as this. I wish I never had to leave you...

"Why do you have to show up when all I'm trying to do all these years was to move on from you?" I mumbled as I leaned on the railings.

But then, in the corner or my eye, something, no, someone caught my attention... the figure was standing by the veranda beside ours. And yes, I know her.

I stared at her side view in admiration.

"Sungrin..." I muttered.

I gasped when she turned her gaze to me. I miss that face so much. All I want in mind right now was to hug her, but I can't-Now why is she walking away? "Wait!" I called her. "Sungrin!"

She paused, giving me a questioning look.

"Can we talk?"

"I'm going to sleep now," she's acting cold now.

"At least for a minute?" she rolled her eyes, making me feel a bit annoyed.

"What are we supposed to talk about now?"

A moment of silence invaded. She's right. What are we supposed to talk about now? After what I did to her? Should I apologize to her? No. I'll be like an idiot if I did. This is so awkward.

"Are you going to speak or not? 'Cause if you're not, I'll be heading off now."

Think Jungkook, think! Don't act weak in front of her!

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Dafuq did I say that?!? You idiot!

"Y'know what? I'm leaving," she uttered, then went inside, making me face palm myself. Aish!

"Buy this and that and that," Shil told Sungril as she pointed out to the menu.

"What?! I don't have much money in my pocket to buy those," Sungrin replied.

"Then you're going to the show with me."

"What do you want me do do? Fart money now?"

"If you don't want to watch the show with me, then do something to buy this and that and that. I don't care if you beg along the streets or something. Just do it."

"Aish! You little-"

"Hi!" a familiar voice surprised the two.

"Omo. V?!?" Shil reacted as the man wearing a cap, sat in front of them while he removed his facemask and smiled.

"Sssh," V said, gesturing to keep quiet.

"Sorry," Shil whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm craving for Italian food and I saw you two here," he gave her an angelic smile. "Well, what about you two? Did you order already?" he asked.

"Well no, because that brat is forcing me to buy a lot when in fact I don't have enough money to buy her. So come on Lee Shil, we'll go to another place," Sungrin grabbed Shil's wrist.

"Wait. Don't go. Well, let's make a deal, you two accompany me here, then I'll treat you both with anything you want. How 'bout that?" V suggested.

"Thanks. But no thanks. Now come on Lee Shil." Sungrin grabbed Shil as they walked away from the table when suddenly...

"OMO! Is that V oppa?"

"Oh my!"

"We're so lucky!"

"Oppa V!!!"

"Sungrin unnie! Let's help V! He's surrounded by sasaengs!" Shil said.

"Aren't you one of them?" Sungrin teased.

"Aish! Please! I won't force you to do anything you don't want from now on. Just please? Let's help him," Shil looked at Sungrin with puppy eyes, making her fall for it.

"Aish!" Sungrin said as she fastened her pace towards the crowd. "Excuse me! Make way!"

"Who is she?"

"What is she doing here?"

"Why is she acting like that?"

Without saying another word, Sungrin grabbed V's arm then gestured him to run as fast as he could.

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