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"Uh-Hello~Girls! I'm Minie of B-I mean, STB. Can we share a table?" Jimin/Minie asked.

"Well, you guys can use this table now. We'll just leave," Sungrin replied.

"Aww...too bad we wanted to have a little chit-chat with you girls," Jimin/Minie pouted.

"Maybe another time," May said, grabbing Sungrin's wrist.

"Oh, if I'm not mistaken...you're May right?" Jimin/Minie asked.

"Yeah," May answered plainly.

"You're very beautiful today. Are you inlove? Or did you meet the man of your dreams recently?"

"What? No! of course not! I'm not inlove, and I will never will be," May replied irritated.

"Woah, woah, woah, chill. I'm just asking. Hehe! We actually just want to be friends with you girls," Jimin/Minie chuckled.

"And why?" Misheel raised an eyebrow.

"Do we really have to explain the want of having new friends?" RapMon/Remi said.

"No...--but wait a minute...Your voice...there is something wrong with your voice..." Misheel replied.

"Well uh...You see, ummm...Remi here has voice problems lately. She has been practicing very hard, and this happened. So please bear with her," Jimin/Minie lied, but Misheel just nodded in reply, but still remained unconvinced.

"Alright. We'll be seeing you girls around then," Sungrin said as she led her friends out of the place.

"She's really pretty," V/Victoria mumbled.

"Tch," Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"We only have a few more days guys," RapMon/Remi muttered.


"See? Told you they seem weird," Sungrin uttered.

"Whut?" Leeka asked.

"Duh? Are you deaf? That Remi sounded gay when she talked," Misheel replied.

"So?" Leeka raised an eyebrow.

"Something is suspicious," Sungrin said.

"Pssh. Oh c'mon guys. Forget about them. They're like none of our business," Mika rolled her eyes.

"Point counted," Camrin agreed.

"Yeah, whatever. By the way Mika, are the videos ready?" Sungrin asked.

"Here," Mika gave Sungrin the flashdrive.

"Aigooo...Poor ARMY," Sungrin smirked while looking at her laptop.

"This is legit, right?" Leeka asked.

"Of course. Thanks to Mika's hacking skills," Sungrin replied.

@missantibangtan: (Just posted a video)


"What the?!? How?! Omoo! Guys! You have got to see this!" J-Hope announced whilst running around, holding his laptop.

"What are you screaming around for, hyung?" V asked while scratching his head.

"Ya! Be quiet Hoseok!" Jin scolded, coming from the kitchen.

"Just come here guys. Watch this:" J-Hope said as the others gathered around and glued their attention on the screen.

@missantibangtan: (Just posted a video)

The video began as Jimin and Jungkook first entered the restaurant and sat on the chair.

"Ya! Who is the waiter here?!? Bring me something to eat! HURRY UP SLOWPOKES!" Jimin shouted.

The screen flashed the next scene wherein Jungkook was stepping and breaking the glass bottles and seemed like he is not in his own self. He was cursing and was throwing tantrums.

"AISH!!!"F**k this life! I f****n' hate this! Bullsh*t! F**k you all! I want to die now! NOW! NOW! NOW! Come on! Shoot a bullet on my head or something! Bring it on! I won't stop you!

Then here comes another scene in which RapMon was drinking alcohol with two black American girls. But then, a scene showed RapMon kissing the girl passionately.

>End of video<

"Jeon Jungkook, explain," Jin stared at Jungkook with an angry expression.

"I know nothing about this, hyung," Jungkook denied.

"Liar," Jin muttered.

"Argh! Fine! I was so depressed that time. I didn't know what to do anymore, but I swear, I didn't know there was a CCTV in that bar. They said it was sound proof and very private," Jungkook defended.

"Tch. And when did this happen?" Jin asked.

"The...the day I turned into legal age..."

"AISH! JEON JUNGKOOK! You left the dorm without any of your hyungs' permission?!? Aish!"Jin facepalmed himself.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" RapMon shook his head.

"and you! You have explaining to do Kim Namjoon!" Jin pointed his index finger at Rap Monster. "Also, you Park Jimin!"

"I did nothing dirty," Jimin said as he tried acting innocent.

"Oh yeah? Then what is this?" Suga raised his phone, revealing Jimin's videos which @missantibangtan posted.

"Flirting with fans aye?" Jin said.

Jimin smiled sheepishly as he tiptoed towards the staircase.

"I...I gotta use the bathroom," RapMon said.

"Explain," Jin glared at him.

Gulp. "Iwaswalkingbythestreets. iwasverylonely, thenimet thiscuteblackamericangirl. Webothgotdrunkandiremembernothing afterthat," RapMon defended.

"I did not understand a word," J-Hope said.

"No dinner for the three of you tonight. Go eat outside," Jin scolded.

"But hyung-"

"No more exceptions, Park Jimin!"

"This is my house," Jungkook said.

"This is my food," Jin replied, and Jungkook lowered his head in defeat.

"Come on guys, let's just eat somewhere," RapMon slung his arms on the younger ones' shoulders as they walked out of the house.

"Let's eat in that famous lobster and oyster restaurant," RapMon said.

"NO!" Jimin blurted out, earning questioning looks from RapMon and Jungkook. "I mean, no because I want to eat somewhere without lobsters and oyster because...because I'm allergic to 'em," Jimin stuttered.

"Since when did you become allergic to oyster and lobsters? Tch. Come on, don't be such a chicken," RapMon said as he dragged Jimin and carried him towards a certain direction with Jungkook following from behind.

Jimin kept talking about things, but Jungkook and RapMon ignored him as they continued walking and chatting.


"This is what I call a 'comfort food'! YUM!" Sungrin said as she dug in her food.

"Gosh! School is very stressful!" May said whilst scooping another round of kimchi.

"You have to get used to it. You're gonna need it for college," Misheel uttered.

"Yeah, yeah. You always say that," Sungrin said.

"By the way, are the others coming?" May asked.

"Mika's busy with science project, Camrin is on her first day of the girl thing, and Leeka said that she's on her way, but until now...no show," Misheel said.

"As usual," Sungrin agreed and almost took a sip of tea when the door of the restaurant opened all of a sudden.

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