18 1 0

Sungrin's POV

This stupid phone alarm woke me up at 7 o'clock in the morning. -_- I thought I've set it to 6? Sigh. Good. Just good. Just a 15-minute cramming preparation. -_-So, I just got up from bed and did all my morning rituals as fast as I could, except for my hair, which I forgot to blow-dry. Urgh! Whatever! I'm gonna be late already, so why bother? Besides, it'll just dry up by itself. I bid the house goodbye. Mom and Shil left already. They said that there is an activity in their school that needs them early. I dunno... some kind of culminating activity for the month...I guess? Wait, I'm gonna be late! No! Aish! Wait-Mind bulb! Zucchini. Right. Zucchini is the name of my mom's bike. She bought it from a motocross rider years ago. She only used it like once. I used it several secret times because she never allowed me to use it. Not until I turn 21. And I'm like, duh? What am I, a boy? Girls debut and legal age is 18, so I'm like above legal. I can use it whenever I want, especially to circumstances like this. I moved directly to mom's room and scanned the drawers she might possibly placed them, and to my luck, I found it with a crocodile keychain. Jogging almost running, I went to the garage and removed the piece of cloth on top of Zucchini.

"Poor thing," I muttered whilst blowing off the dust on it. I turned the key clockwise and began the striking the road.


Sungrin's ash-brown hair flowed as she went against the wind. She stopped when the light switched to red.

"Aish!" she cursed mentally, thinking how late she might be.

"Where's your helmet?" the familiar voice startled her- it was Kim Taehyung a.k.a V glancing at her by the car window.

"I forgot," she said, plainly.

"You shouldn't just go out riding a motorbike without a helmet. It's too dangerous," V said.

"I'm running late so...yeah," without further ado, she started drove ahead V's van, seeing the light turn green.

"Ms. Lee Sungrin, you are late in my class, AGAIN," Mr. Ji, her Social Studies teacher said, the moment she entered the class.

She apologized before she tiptoed towards her seat, head lowered down.

"Very well then. Let us continue our-" Mr. Ji was cut off by the noise outside.

"Omoo!!! BANGTAN IS HERE!!!"




"Now, now guys. Don't believe such-" before he could say another word, almost everyone in the room went on stampede as they rushed outside, not listening to what their teacher has to say.

"Woah," Leeka said, placing her ballpen ontop of her desk as she stopped writing.

Mr. Ji sighed. "I am so done with this," he shook his head and got his bag before heading off.

"BTS...Tch. Impossible," Mika muttered, continuing her business with her laptop.

"Right..." Camrin agreed as she went back on scrolling on her phone.

The five girls made themselves busy with their gadgets, unaware what was coming for them...

"Make way! Make way!"

Leeka looked up, hearing such noise outside. "Guys..." she began. "I don't think we should be here for now."

"Huh?" Misheel who just got up from a pretty little nap asked. "Did I miss something?"

Leeka just rolled her eyes. "Pack up guys," she said.

"Wh-what? Leeka, saying something?" Sungrin removed one of her earphones.

"What I'm saying is that-" Leeka was trailed off by the sudden open of the door, revealing a crowd of students. Everyone was busy taking pictures and videos of a group of seven boys who were entering the room.




Sungrin's POV

Maybe Mika was right. Maybe they were really following me...OR US. I don't know the exact reason why, but I have a feeling that this is because...maybe...I don't know...maybe they already know about the truth-that we are one of their worst nightmares-THE BTS HATERS' GROUP. Gosh! They sure do piss me off asf.

"Anyeong! Anyeong!" Jimin greeted everyone as he entered.

"We are glad to meet you all but could you please stop taking videos and pictures now? Yeah? Thank you. Well, you guys might be wondering why we are here, aren't you?" Rap Monster, the leader said and the crowd replied a big 'yes'.

"We're here to study too... so please don't post or tell anyone outside this campus that BTS is in your school, because we all just want privacy and some time to rest and expand our knowledge about things...and to settle certain matters... " Suga explained.

"Please understand that we just want to experience the life of just being simple students like you guys, nothing more," the way V spoke, somehow made my heart spark or somethin'.

"Please...Let's just be friends and classmates. Don't treat us differently just because we're idols, because we are all equal," Jungkook added.

"Can we count on you guys?" Jin asked.


Gosh! 'Eomma' again? Haha! Sounds really weird to me though.

"The let's be friendsue!" J-Hope cheerfully said.

I saw Jungkook's gaze on me. Our eyes met, but I chose to look away. I could tell that he's up to something...but what?

He turned to the crowd again and said: "However, we have only one request."

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