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V smiled as he stared at the beautiful being as she sleeps. He wanted to touch her smooth radiant face, but he couldn't. He's just mesmerized by her beauty. He couldn't ask for more. Looking at her was enough.

"Hmm..." Sungrin's eyelids slowly lifted, revealing more of her beauty-her eyes.


"W-What the?!?"

"Did I disturb you? I'm sorry," he said with a sheepish smile.

She immediately sat up straight and grabbed her things. "How long have you been here?"

"Just a few minutes ago."

She sighed. "Don't ever do that again." Then, made her way down the ladder.

"Hey wait up! I'm sorry," V called her.

"Haven't I told you to stop following me?" Sungrin told him as she exited the library with V trailing her from behind.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"OMO! V oppa!"

"I have something for you V oppa!"

"Can I take selcas with you?"

Sasaengs. Sungrin thought as she walked pass them.

V smiled sheepishly as he tried to exit the crowd.

"Umm...I have to go."

"Awww...Please stay with us for a while."

"Yeah, just a few more minutes oppa?"

"Here, this is for you."

"We love you so much V oppa!"

"Umm...That's very kind of you...however-"

V was cut off when the rest of the BTS members came.

"Hi girls!" Jimin greeted them immediately, catching the attention of the fans surrounding V.

"You okay?" J-hope asked V.

He just nodded and bit his lower lip.

"We were looking all over for you," Rap Monster said.

"I'm sorry," V lowered his head.

"Girls, girls, one by one please. Form a line please," Jimin said as Jin accompanied him.

"What were you doing out here anyway?" Suga asked.


"Liar," Jungkook muttered.

"Anyway, let's go. We're gonna be late for our next subject," RapMon said.

"Jimin, that's enough," J-hope said.

"5 more minutes!"

"Aish! We are not here for a fan meeting for God's sake, Park Jimin!" Suga said just as Jimin and Jin exited the crowd.

@camreid: I am so done with Jin! That pink panther! Aish!
@redmish: I really think we should do something about this.
@mikamika: yeah, you're right @redmish. We have to dispose of them.
@maybeme: OMO. @mikamika! Don't do it! We're not killers!
@hellokittylover: Don't take it too literally, @maybeme. -_-
@mikamika: What I actually meant was that we should do something to make them get out of our school...

@missantibangtan is now online.

@missantibangtan: eyyy...
@hellokittylover: Where were you?
@missantibangtan: I fetched my ugly sister from school.
@hellokittylover: So...how was your day?
@missantibangtan: Dang! Do you really have to ask me that?
@redmish: BTS is ./.
@missantibangtan: You don't have to remind me.-_- BTW, what are you guys up to?
@mikamika: Backread bro.
@missantibangtan: OOOOKKKAAAY.
@camreid: I can't believe we actually fought over a single lipbalm.
@maybeme: gay?
@camreid: That's what I think.
@redmish: Can we do something about this J-Hope and Rap Monster? They kinda irritate and ruin my day.
@missantibangtan: @mikamika
@mikamika: Yeah?
@missantibangtan: Do you still have the skills?
@mikamika: Of course! Why would I lose such wonderful talent?
@hellokittylover: ooohh...What are you guys up to?
@missantibangtan: Sleepover. My house. Tomorrow.
@camreid: Sounds fun!

"Now, now girls, what did I tell about forming a proper line?" Jimin said as he signed autographs.

"Park Jimiiin! Your cousin Minie was once enrolled here in this school."

"Yeah. She's like super cute!"

"Uhuh. Just like Jimin oppa!"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. She's uh...she's my cousin alright."


Jimin looked up and saw May standing infront of him.

He scratched the back of his head and spoke: "Uhm girls... Let's just continue this later, okay?"

"Arasseo Jimin oppa!"



May sat down quietly as she grabbed her phone and logged on Instagram.

"Follow me on @imji...that's my secret account. Hehehe!" Jimin said out of the blue.

May turned to him, giving him a questioning look.
"Whaaat? I'm just saying," Jimin defended.

"Whatever," May rolled her eyes and went back to her phone.

Jimin didn't say a word even if he wanted to. Instead, he took his own phone and played with it. Time passed when the teacher finally arrived.

"Alright people. Put down your gadgets. We're here to listen to me for an hour," he said.

"What subject is this?" V whispered to Sungrin.

"Social Studies," Sungrin answered plainly.

"Oh...Is he strict?"


"Is this a hard subject?"


"Can you teach me?"


"Are you mad at me?"


"Okay then...umm...Can I just borrow your notebook?"


"Stop bothering her hyung. She's busy," Jungkook suddenly butted in, earning Sungrin's attention.

"I'm not bothering her," V defended.
"Whatever. Just don't talk to her."

V suddenly went confused. "Wh-What? Why not?"

Jungkook ignored him up until the class ended. Thoughts began rambling around V's mind as they exited the room.

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