June 13th, 2017//Edited
Episode 04x04: "Indifference"
Chapter 96: ↠My...Baby↞
We've been driving for a good hour before needing to stop due to the hoards of walkers coming through. Taking a pit stop did everyone go out and stretch, instead I stayed in the car. My feet up on the dashboard overlooking the rock I wanted to give Blake.
I thought it was cute enough to do, and she's been talking about this color for such a damn long time that I wanted to see her smile. An actual smile.
"That's where I was traveling, highway 100."
"Then it will take about seven hours to get there. We're gonna need more gas."
Ty came on over telling me what the final idea was, just stating 'I heard' was enough for them to get back into the car. Michonen took the drivers seat, before speaking."You were right, what you said before...About the trail going cold. I don't need to go out anymore."
Taking my eyes off the rock for the first time in a good while, did I look to her before closing my door. Making sure I don't drop my only gift to Blake at the given moment, as we continued on driving. Was there nothing more than just me holding it in my hand.
"Blake's gonna be just fine."
"Hope so...Sick of people dyin' on me."
In relation to my brother sacrificing himself for the governor. Maybe that is why I was such an ass to Bob about the liquor, wrong of him to do it. Didn't do the job assigned of him...*
Aurora Blake's POVIt was the dead of night, and since we didn't want to waste anymore of the battery of two flashlights. I had Carl rest in my lap as I read, trying to get him to sleep.
"And in that moment, did he pull up all his might to devise a plan. It wasn't a smart plan, it was dumb. Very dumb. But just dumb enough where it might work for them all..."
Looking down did I see him snoring off, this was the first full day of quarantine. Night, sometime in the night. Judith sleeping fully, Carl in my lap just barely snoring. Did I find the need to rest as well."Go to sleep mom...We can finish in the morning."
His mumbling yawn caught me off guard, or rather his title that he had said to me. 'mom'...He called me 'mom,' with my lips trembling did I realize that I finally kept my promise to Lori, 'like they were your own,' and here I am. With them both trying to fight off the illness spreading the building on over ways.So I just moved the hair that was caught near his eyes, pushing it behind his ear. Giving him a kiss on the forehead before reading silently to myself.
The story wasn't for my age level, probably an easier highschooler. So I began to read it to myself, unable to sleep to the most uncomfortable feeling within my stomach. Trying to push it off only had me reread the pages over and over again to die down the everlasting thought.That is. Until the pain hit once more. I cried out in agony as I leaned on over, Carl was quick to rise on up to ground level. Looking to me and holding onto my shoulder as he asked over and over against what was wrong.
Going down onto my knees do I pray that the pain will stop, holding tightly that area in which I feel it the most. But one single touch down there, do I feel a pool of warm liquid...I'm loosing the baby. However long I had them in me, was now just leaving me...Leaving Daryl.
Another cry on out sounded, having Beth shout in question.
"Stay in your room! I'm fine!"
Another breath in from my teeth did I move away from Carl, not wanting him to see this I went across to the other side of the room. Sliding down the wall as I cried to myself, the baby is dying. And there is nothing I could do to stop it.
↠Silent, But Deadly↞
Fanfic↠She's Silent↞ ↠She's Deadly↞ ↠But she's Desperate↞ Everything fell apart in Blake's life, having to escape from her safe haven. She thought she was alone. But all that is about to change when she finds harbor with a group of people just on the outs...