Chapter 30

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It's been two days since the incident happened.

The girls drifted apart to Sana, but Jihyo is trying her best not to break the bond they have created since Sixteen.

Sana and Taehyung doesn't talk, and they're always with their manager now. The manager didn't know, the leaders of both group requested to check up on them.

Dahyun didn't talk to Sana since that day, and now they have a performance on Music Bank.

"Atleast pretend we're okay? Infront of the fans?" Sana pleaded, Jihyo agreed but the rest of the members ignored her.



Taehyung is now careful, 4 more days and he won't see Sana anymore.


Sana went out with Jihyo, that leaves seven members in the waiting area.

"I can sense something is wrong." Their manager said, "Are you having an argument now?"

They shooked their head, Nayeon being the oldest, "There is just some problem, we have yet to fix."

Their manager nodded and followed the two.

"You don't have to hold grudge to Sana unnie." Dahyun said,

"We were hurt too, Dahyun-ah." Nayeon said

"Even if I don't like Taehyung for you, I respected you. Because you're my sister." She added.

"And what Sana did is really a mistake." Jeongyeon said.

"It will really create a gap between us." Chaeyoung said.

"But Sana unnie doesn't deserve the cold treatment you've been giving her." Dahyun defends

"It's not just about you, Dahyun-ah." Nayeon said

"It is, Nayeon unnie." She sighs, "would this happen if we weren't in good terms?"

"It's about loyalty, Da. Would you two be in bad terms if she didn't do it?" Nayeon said and Sana entered the room.

They became quiet.

"I kissed him because I like him!" She started, "I wasn't even in my right mind that time! I really regret what I did!" Sana cried. "I don't want to lose my sisters because of one small mistake I did!"

Dahyun sighed, she's uncomfortable whenever the members will argue. It would be fine if it's a confrontation that wouldn't cause them stress.

She sees Nayeon getting heated with Sana's comment that she held her back and said,

"That's not small mistake," Dahyun clarified "You kissed my boyfriend."

"Oh come on! Boyfriend over sister?" Sana said,

Dahyun was about to talk when Nayeon spoke

"A guy over loyalty?" Nayeon said, which made Sana shut her mouth. "If you can kiss your sister's boyfriend, it means you can easily break your loyalty to each one of us."

"You know it's not true!" Sana said, "It was out of temptation!"

"A tempation you can easily hold back!" Nayeon says, "What you did, it shows exact opposite."

Dahyun went to Jihyo, "Jihyo unnie please. I don't want to see everyone fight." The leader gave her a kiss on the top of her head and decided to interfere the heated argument, "You two should be at the other ends of the room. Cool off, it will affect our performance later."

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