Wolf Moon, Part IV

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    After school, I stop at my locker. I'm glad it's only one away from Stiles'. Scott is down at the other end of the hallway and I can see him watching Allison. Lydia approaches her, grabbing Stiles' attention. Stiles starts to walk towards them and I sigh, closing my locker and following him. Jackson approaches them as we reach Scott's locker.
"Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" a girl asks, approaching the three of us and looking at them wistfully.
"Her name's Allison," I inform her at the same time Stiles says,
"Because she's hot."
I give him a look.
"Beautiful people herd together," Stiles shrugs. Scott continues to stare at Allison, Lydia, and Jackson intently.
"Are you trying to lip-read their conversation?" I ask Scott as Stiles and the girl continued to talk about Allison and Lydia.
    "Shh," Scott hushes me. I look back at them. Now Jackson has one arm against a locker and the other around Lydia. Lydia fluffs Jackson's hair and then wraps her arm around him. I glance back at Scott, who is still watching carefully.
    "Dude, you're such a creep," I say to Scott. I lean against the lockers as Allison, Lydia, and Jackson leave.
    "Come on, man," Stiles says, clapping my brother on the shoulder. "We got practice. You coming, Emerson?"
    "Of course," I respond. I head outside to the bleachers as Stiles and Scott head to the locker room. After about fifteen minutes of waiting on the bleachers, I see Scott and Stiles walk out, talking to each other and sporting their lacrosse equipment.
    "McCall!" I hear Coach yell. Scott looks up and Coach tosses a bundle of goalie equipment at him. I squint curiously. Scott's never played goalie. Scott and Coach have a short conversation before Coach hits his arm and walks away. "Let's go! Come on!"
    I spy Lydia and Allison sitting a little ways down the bleachers. I wonder if I should go join them and introduce myself to Allison, but then she starts talking and I decide to do the creepy thing instead - eavesdrop. What can I say? Scott got it from somewhere.
    "Who is that?" Allison asks, looking right at my brother.
    "Him? I'm not sure who he is," Lydia tells her. "Why?"
    "He's in my English class," Allison answers vaguely.
    Someone blows a whistle and Scott starts clutching at his helmet. Great time to have an equipment malfunction, Scott. I watch in horror as someone prepares to shoot. The ball flies from his stick and hits Scott right in the face. I close my eyes as laughter ensues. I see Stiles is just as frustrated as I.
    Scott gets back up, though. Another guys comes up to shoot and I brace myself for another epic failure. Instead, when the ball goes flying, Scott catches it in his net and stares at it incredulously.
    "Yeah!" Stiles shouts from the bench. I stand up and work my way carefully down the bleachers, afraid to fall on my face, until I'm on the row of seats right behind Stiles.
    "Boo!" I say gleefully.
    "Oh! Whoa! He- Hey Emerson," Stiles says, running his hands over his hair in panic.
    "Jeez, scaredy-cat," I say, laughing. "Scott's pretty good, isn't he?"
    He catches another ball, this one down by his feet.
    "He's definitely improved," Stiles says. Scott catches the next ball too. As Scott catches more, he bounces happily on his toes and Jackson shoves his way to the front of the line. I suck in a breath at the same time Stiles does.
    "Oh," Stiles groans. "This isn't gonna end well."
    We both watch in anticipation as Jackson runs up and hurls the ball with all his might. Scott catches it.
"Whoo!" I shout. Stiles jumps up and screams, waving his arms spastically. Overall, he looks like a hyped-up monkey. Coach's eyes are wide and I turn to find Lydia standing up. Lydia lets out a "whoop" and Stiles cheers more. Jackson turns around and glares at his girlfriend.

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