Heart Monitor, Part V

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"Let's go," Coach commands. "Sit, sit, sit, sit. We got a lot to cover today. Let's go."

I furrow my eyebrows at him as I walk past his desk, following Scott and Stiles.

"Quicker," he says. When I turn around to scowl at him, I see Allison is right behind us.

"Hey, Stiles, sit behind me," Scott whispers. Stiles gathers his stuff up from the seat in front of me and tries to step into the desk behind my brother. Allison gets there first and Stiles makes one of his signature weird noises, stumbling back to his own seat.

"Smooth," I mutter.

"Hey," Allison says to Scott.

"Hey," he returns.

"I haven't seen you all day," Allison sits down.

"Uh, yeah," Scott answers slowly. "I've been, uh, super busy."

"When are you gonna get your phone fixed?" Allison asks and furrows her eyebrows. "I feel like I'm totally disconnected from you."

"Uhhh ... soon," Scott nods. "Real soon."

"I changed lab partners by the way," she informs my brother.

"Oh, to who?" Scott asks.

"To you, dummy," Allison smiles at my brother's stupidity.

"Me?" Scott echoes, widening his eyes. "I mean, are you sure?"

I roll my eyes.

"Yeah," Allison answers. "This way I have an excuse to bring you home and study."

"Oh," Scott says. He's really not being subtle about trying to avoid Allison.

"You don't mind, do you?" Allison furrows her eyebrows again.

"I just – I don't want to bring your grade down."

This is probably the first believable thing my brother has said all hour.

"Well, I mean, maybe I can bring your grade up," Allison offers. Stiles and I look at each other and do a team eyeroll this time. "Come to my place tonight. Eight thirty?"

"Tonight?" Scott repeats.

"Eight thirty," Allison nods.

Coach slams a book down before Scott can protest. "Let's settle down. Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading."

Why is Coach so weird?

"Greenberg, put your hand down. Everybody knows you did the reading," Coach rolls his eyes. "How about, uh ... Mr. McCall."

"What?" Scott asks.

"The reading," Coach leans against his desk.

"Last night's reading?" Scott stares at Coach. I can't see his face, but I can imagine the fear in his eyes.

"How about, uh, the reading of the Gettysburg Address?" Coach replies sarcastically.

"What?" Scott asks again.

"That's sarcasm," Coach supplies. "You're familiar with the term 'sarcasm,' McCall?"

I look at Stiles and smirk.

"Very," Scott looks between the two of us. Stiles smiles proudly and I shrug.

"Did you do the reading or no?" Coach gets to the point.

"Um ..." Scott flips some pages nervously. "I think I forgot."

"Nice work, Mr. McCall," Coach stands. I suck in a breath. I know what's coming next and I know it's going to work Scott up. "It's not like you're not averaging a 'D' in this class. Come on, buddy. You know I can't keep you on the team if you have a 'D.' How about you summarize, uh, the previous night's reading?"

I see Stiles check Coach's phone casually. I peer over his shoulder. Scott's heart rate is nearing 100.

"No?" Coach asks. "How about, uh, the night before that?" Scott ducks his head. "How about you summarize anything you've ever read ... in your entire life."

I take my eyes off of my brother to look at his heart rate. 140.

"I – I, uh -" Scott stammers out.

"No? A blog?" Coach fishes for something. "How about ... uh, how about, uh, the back of a cereal box? No? How about the adults only warning from your favorite website you visit every night? Anything?"

I can't take my eyes off of Scott's increasing heart rate.

"Thank you, McCall, thank you," Coach pounds his desk in frustration. "Thank you, McCall! Thank you for extinguishing any last flicker of hope I have for generation!"

His heart rate is nearing 160 and I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, craning my neck so hard it hurts. Come on, Stiles. Couldn't you move it just a little so I can see better?

"You just blew it for everybody!" Coach is yelling now. "Thanks. Next practice, you can start with suicide runs. Unless that's too much reading."

My eyes widen and I let out a sigh of relief when I see the number on the screen dropping. It's nearing 120 again.

"Alright, everybody else, settle down," Coach tells the still-silent room. Stiles and I both turn our heads towards Scott at the same time. I see him and Allison holding hands under her desk.

"Huh," I say to Stiles. "Would you look at that."

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